You add a virtual machine and configure its parameters by running a Automation Orchestrator workflow.


  1. Log in to the Automation Orchestrator Client as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Library > Workflows and enter the machines tag in the workflow search box.
  3. Locate Create Machine workflow and click Run.
  4. Select a VMware Aria Automation host for which you want to configure a machine.
  5. Enter a name for the machine.
  6. Define how many machines you want to provision.
  7. Select a project to which to add the machine.
  8. Go to the Flavors and Images tab.
    1. Select the type of image used for the machine.
    2. Select the direct image reference used for the machine.
      This setting is required if you have multiple zones of the same cloud connection configured under image mapping.
    3. Select the flavor of the machine.
      If multi-zone cloud accounts are attached to a project, machines are created for AWS, GCP, and Azure only if the flavor reference is not attached to the machine specification object.
    4. (Optional) Select the provider-specific flavor reference for the machine.
      This setting is required if you have multiple zones of the same cloud connection configured under flavor mapping.
  9. Configure any additional settings for the machine, such as tags, custom properties, remote access, and others.
    Keep in mind the following considerations:
    • When you configure disk specifications, you must select a block device. The block device must be a data disk and must be available to attach to the machine.

      You can create a block device using the createBlockDevice method. For more information about this method, go to Plugins > VRA > Objects > VraDiskService in the Automation Orchestrator API Explorer.

    • When you configure network specifications, you must select a fabric network. Do not specify a Network ID. Network ID and fabric network can't be passed at the same time.

    For more information about these settings, consult the signpost help.

  10. Click Run.


You have added a machine in VMware Aria Automation and to the Automation Orchestrator plug-in inventory.