On the System Settings page of Automation Orchestrator, you can view a list of all plug-ins that are installed in Automation Orchestrator and perform basic management actions.

Change the plug-In logging level

Instead of changing the logging level for Automation Orchestrator, you can change it only for specific plug-ins.

Activate or deactivate a plug-in

You can activate or deactivate a plug-in by selecting the plug-in and clicking Enable/Disable.

This action does not remove the plug-in file.

Configuring the Automation Orchestrator plug-ins

The default Automation Orchestrator plug-ins come with configuration workflows. You can run these workflows to register endpoints for management.

The configuration workflows have the configuration tag. For example, to access workflows that are used to manage AMQP brokers and subscriptions, enter the tags AMQP and Configuration in the search text box of the workflow library.