Using Automation Orchestrator provides information about the workflow automation features and functionality of the Automation Orchestrator Client.

The Automation Orchestrator user interface

You use the Automation Orchestrator Client to manage Automation Orchestrator services and objects.

You can access the Automation Orchestrator Client at https://your_Automation-Orchestrator_FQDN/orchestration-ui.
UI element Description
Dashboard Use the Automation Orchestrator Client Dashboard and profiling feature to gather useful metric data about your Automation Orchestrator environment and workflows.
Workflows Create, edit, schedule, run, and delete workflows.
Actions Create, edit, and delete actions. The action editor supports automatic completion for common script elements included in the Automation Orchestrator API Explorer.
Policies Create, edit, run, and delete policies.
Packages Create, delete, export, and import packages containing Automation Orchestrator objects.
Configurations Create, run, and delete configuration elements.
Resources Export, import, and update resource elements.
Groups Users with administrator rights can assign roles to users in the Automation Orchestrator Client and add them to groups.
Audit Logs View the different events, such as when an object is created, that are recorded in the Automation Orchestrator Client.
Git Repositories Create an integration to a Git repository and use the integration to manage the development of workflows and other Automation Orchestrator objects across multiple deployments.

See How Can I Use Git Branching to Manage My Automation Orchestrator Object Inventory.

Deleted Items Restore deleted Automation Orchestrator Client objects, such as workflows, actions, policies, configuration elements, and resource elements.
API Explorer Explore the API commands available in the Automation Orchestrator Client.
Note: The Automation Orchestrator Client communicates with the Automation Orchestrator REST API through a REST proxy.

Automation Orchestrator Client Usage Dashboard

The Automation Orchestrator Client dashboard provides a useful tool for monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting Automation Orchestrator Client workflows.

Information on the Automation Orchestrator Client dashboard is spread among five panels.
Window Description
Workflow runs Provides visual data about the number of running, waiting, and failed workflow runs.
Favorite workflows Displays workflows added to favorites.
Waiting for input Displays pending workflow runs that require further user interaction. These workflows are also displayed in the notifications menu in the upper-right corner of the UI.
Recent workflow runs Manage recent workflow runs. Shows the name, state, start date, and end date of the workflow run.
Requiring Attentions Displays failed workflow runs and workflow run performance metrics.

Intended Audience

This information is intended for experienced system administrators who are looking for a tool that can help them to run and manage Automation Orchestrator workflows.