As an Automation Assembler or Automation Service Broker administrator, you can use the Automation Service Broker Deployment APIs to view billable objects that are used in your organization.

Prerequisites for viewing billable objects

How to get a summary of billable objects

The following request retrieves a categorized summary or total count of VMware Aria Automation billable objects in your organization.

curl -X GET \
$url/deployment/api/billing-metrics?apiVersion=$api_version \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"  | jq "."

The following sample response shows all billable objects.

  "billingMetrics": [
      "id": "vSphereManagedVMCount",
      "displayName": "vSphere Managed VM Count",
      "value": 19
      "id": "vSphereCpuCount",
      "displayName": "vSphere CPU Count",
      "value": 20
      "id": "vSphereCpuCoreCount",
      "displayName": "vSphere CPU Core Count",
      "value": 52
      "id": "vmcManagedVMCount",
      "displayName": "VMC Managed VM Count",
      "value": 0
      "id": "vmcCpuCount",
      "displayName": "VMC CPU Count",
      "value": 0
      "id": "vmcCpuCoreCount",
      "displayName": "VMC CPU Core Count",
      "value": 0
      "id": "publicCloudManagedVMCount",
      "displayName": "Public Cloud Managed VM Count",
      "value": 58

How to get information about billable objects

By applying the filter billable=true, the following request limits the amount of output from the call to include only the billable objects that are in your organization.

curl -X GET \
"$url/deployment/api/resources?apiVersion=$api_version&billable=true" \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token" \
 | jq "."

The following sample response snippet provides the details about one of the billable objects.

  "content": [
      "id": "9bc16a26-bd81-4660-9aa6-6eadfe72456d",
      "name": "Cloud_Machine_1-mcm1157065-230404373562",
      "type": "Cloud.AWS.EC2.Instance",
      "properties": {
        "hostName": "",
        "resourceId": "9bc16a26-bd81-4660-9aa6-6eadfe72456d",
        "externalLink": ";sort=instanceState",
        "project": "7a90a6fb-f78d-4b91-9b3c-d88d3dd897fd",
        "storage": {
          "disks": [
              "iops": "100",
              "name": "Cloud_Machine_1-mcm1157065-230404373562-boot-disk",
              "type": "SSD",
              "service": "ebs",
              "regionId": "us-east-1",
              "bootOrder": 1,
              "encrypted": false,
              "capacityGb": 30,
              "deviceName": "/dev/sda1",
              "deviceType": "ebs",
              "persistent": false,
              "snapshotId": "snap-00bbf435c29dcdf5c",
              "volumeType": "gp2",
              "endpointType": "aws",
              "resourceLink": "/resources/disks/3525c26f-30e9-4070-bb1d-a53430594f84",
              "SourceTaskLink": "/provisioning/resource-enumeration-tasks",
              "existingResource": "false"
        "networks": [
            "id": "/resources/network-interfaces/25ff21a4-8f79-4d77-861f-03148e532823",
            "name": "public-subnet-us-east-1c",
            "tags": [],
            "address": "",
            "assignment": "dynamic",
            "deviceIndex": 0,
            "mac_address": "12:f0:45:3a:bd:1f",
            "resourceName": "public-subnet-us-east-1c",
            "securityGroupNames": [
        "powerState": "OFF",
        "zone": "us-east-1c",
        "environmentName": "Amazon Web Services",
        "providerId": "i-0c7ec71b0aa26e080",
        "osType": "WINDOWS",
        "id": "/resources/compute/9bc16a26-bd81-4660-9aa6-6eadfe72456d",
        "cpuCount": 1,
        "isSimulate": "false",
        "image": "small",
        "totalMemoryMB": 1024,
        "componentType": "Cloud.AWS.EC2.Instance",
        "awsVpcId": "vpc-adf7f2d5",
        "imageId": "ami-0bad85cc4b10fde5e",
        "endpointType": "aws",
        "address": "",
        "endpointId": "f2a31ae2-6256-4d2e-b72e-4687d57ce246",
        "externalId": "i-0c7ec71b0aa26e080",
        "resourceName": "Cloud_Machine_1-mcm1157065-230404373562",
        "tags": [
            "key": "ll"
            "key": "sdf"
        "rootDeviceType": "ebs",
        "primaryMAC": "12:f0:45:3a:bd:1f",
        "flavor": "aws-flavor",
        "service": "ec2",
        "name": "Cloud_Machine_1",
        "flavorRef": "t2.micro",
        "accounts": [
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "flavorMappingName": "aws-flavor",
        "account": "aws-vaidehi"
      "createdAt": "2023-04-20T17:12:54.348099Z",
      "syncStatus": "SUCCESS",
      "origin": "DEPLOYED",
      "deploymentId": "f588a723-65f4-402f-b548-a13cdd1b74d0",
      "projectId": "7a90a6fb-f78d-4b91-9b3c-d88d3dd897fd",
      "orgId": "79395484-98e2-450e-b1ab-095d6dae71ef",
      "billable": true