To create a pipeline, you make a POST request and provide the endpoint ID. Then you use the ID of the pipeline created in a PATCH request to enable it.

The following procedure shows how to create a pipeline with a Jenkins task using the Jenkins endpoint that you created. Then you enable the pipeline to run.



  1. Assign the project ID variable.
  2. Assign the endpoint name variable.
  3. Create the pipeline with a Jenkins task.
    • For job, provide the job on the Jenkins server that your pipeline will run.
    • For parameters, provide the parameters that will be passed to the job.
    curl -X POST \
      $url/codestream/api/pipelines?apiVersion=$api_version \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"  \
      -d '{
    	"project": "'$project_id'",
    	"kind": "PIPELINE",
    	"name": "'<your_pipeline_name>'",
    	"concurrency": 10,
    	"stageOrder": ["Stage0"],
    	"stages": {
    		"Stage0": {
    			"taskOrder": ["Task0"],
    			"tags": [],
    			"tasks": {
    				"Task0": {
    					"type": "Jenkins",
    					"ignoreFailure": false,
    					"preCondition": "",
    					"input": {
    						"job": "'<your_job_name>",
    						"jobFolder": "",
    						"parameters": {
    							"'<your_parameters>'": ""
    					"endpoints": {
    						"jenkinsServer": "'$endpoint_name'"
    					"tags": [],
    					"_configured": true
    }' | jq "."
    A snippet of the response shows the pipeline ID with the pipeline disabled. Assign a variable for the pipeline ID.
  4. Enable the pipeline.
    curl -X PATCH \
      $url/codestream/api/pipelines/$pipeline_id?apiVersion=$api_version \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"  \
      -d '{"state": "ENABLED"}' | jq "."
    The response shows the pipeline state changed to "state": "ENABLED".

Example: Create and Enable a Pipeline

Using the endpoint named jenkins-example that you created, create a pipeline named jenkinspipeline with a Jenkins task.

Assign variables.

$ url=''
$ api_version='2019-10-17'
$ project_id='MyProject1'
$ endpoint_name='jenkins-example'

Create the pipeline with a Jenkins task.

$ curl -X POST \
  $url/codestream/api/pipelines?apiVersion=$api_version \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"  \
  -d '{
	"project": "'$project_id'",
	"kind": "PIPELINE",
	"name": "jenkinspipeline",
	"concurrency": 10,
	"stageOrder": ["Stage0"],
	"stages": {
		"Stage0": {
			"taskOrder": ["Task0"],
			"tags": [],
			"tasks": {
				"Task0": {
					"type": "Jenkins",
					"ignoreFailure": false,
					"preCondition": "",
					"input": {
						"job": "Build-DemoApp",
						"jobFolder": "",
						"parameters": {
							"vRCSTestExecutionId": ""
					"endpoints": {
						"jenkinsServer": "'$endpoint_name'"
					"tags": [],
					"_configured": true
}' | jq "."

A snippet of the response shows the pipeline ID and shows the state of the pipeline as disabled.

	"project": "MyProject1",
	"kind": "PIPELINE",
	"id": "2677aa61-578a-4465-a653-a3c787fed3be",
	"name": "jenkinspipeline",
	"createdBy": "[email protected]",
	"updatedBy": "[email protected]",
	"createdAt": "2022-11-04T11:20:09.905+0000",
	"updatedAt": "2022-11-04T11:23:40.971+0000",
	"_link": "/codestream/api/pipelines/2677aa61-578a-4465-a653-a3c787fed3be",
	"rollbacks": [],
	"tags": [],
	"state": "DISABLED"

Assign a variable for the pipeline ID.

$ pipeline_id="2677aa61-578a-4465-a653-a3c787fed3be"

Enable the pipeline.

$ curl -X PATCH \
  $url/codestream/api/pipelines/$pipeline_id?apiVersion=$api_version \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $access_token"  \
  -d '{"state": "ENABLED"}' | jq "."

A snippet of the response shows the state of the pipeline is enabled.

	"project": "MyProject1",
	"kind": "PIPELINE",
	"id": "2677aa61-578a-4465-a653-a3c787fed3be",
	"name": "jenkinspipeline",
	"createdBy": "[email protected]",
	"updatedBy": "[email protected]",
	"createdAt": "2022-11-04T11:20:09.905+0000",
	"updatedAt": "2022-11-04T11:24:50.693+0000",
	"_link": "/codestream/api/pipelines/2677aa61-578a-4465-a653-a3c787fed3be",
	"rollbacks": [],
	"tags": [],
	"state": "ENABLED"

What to do next

Run your pipeline.