Administrators can create a vCenter cloud account for a cloud connected vCenter for use with vSphere+ related functionality.

The cloud connected vCenter cloud account is a specialized version of a vCenter cloud account for use with features related to vSphere+. It is a vCenter connected to the vSphere+ cloud service with proxy VM hosting agents for both vSphere+ as well as Automation Assembler cloud services. It works only with vCenters connected to vSphere+, and it requires no credentials, as those are created by the connection to vSphere+.



  1. Select Infrastructure > Connections > Cloud Accounts and click Add Cloud Account.
  2. Select the vCenter account type and choose the Cloud Connected vCenter Server.
  3. Select the vCenter server host IP address. The options displayed are based on what was discovered by querying vSphere+ service for the same SaaS organization.
  4. Type a Name and Description for the cloud account.
  5. Select an IP address/FQDN for a discovered vCenter server. The drop-down will list all discovered vCenter servers.
  6. Click Validate.
    After you click Validate, the page will display available data centers under a Configuration heading.
  7. Select the desired data centers as listed beside Allow provisioning to these datacenters.
  8. If you want to add tags to support a tagging strategy, enter capability tags.

    You can add tags now, or later when you edit the cloud account. For information about tagging, see How do I use tags to manage Automation Assembler resources and deployments.

    video symbol For more information about how capability tags and constraint tags help control deployment placements, see the Constraint Tags and Placement video tutorial.


The cloud account for a cloud connected vCenter is listed on the AutomationAutomation Assembler Cloud Accounts page, and you can use it, edit it, or delete it as appropriate.

If the Gateway ID changes for some reason, then deployments, provisioning, enumeration and day 2 actions related to the cloud account will fail. To correct this problem, go to the Automation Assembler page for the cloud account and click Validate. Then save the cloud account.