As a cloud administrator, you can leverage the Microsoft Azure plug-in to provision plug-in based SQL databases to support your infrastructure needs. You can also use allocation helpers to provide allocation logic for your database.

You can easily configure your Azure SQL databases to support your infrastructure needs. Creating, updating, and deleting Azure SQL databases is supported in VMware Aria Automation.

SQL database properties

The following properties are required to provision Azure SQL database resources.

Property Description
name The plugin-specific name for the database.

You can use the same value for the database_name property.

database_name The name for the database resource.
account The Microsoft Azure cloud account for account regions to which your team deploys cloud templates.

See Create a Microsoft Azure cloud account in VMware Aria Automation for more information.

location The region where the SQL database will be deployed.
sku The type of database that will be provisioned.
resource_group_name The name of the resource group.

You must create the resource group in your Azure portal.

server_name The SQL server for the SQL database.

Provision an Azure SQL database

The following template shows how you might provision an SQL database.

Before you deploy the template, you must create an SQL server in your chosen resource group and location. You can create the SQL server through the Azure portal, through the Azure CLI, or in the cloud template. In this example, the SQL server is created through the cloud template.

After the database is provisioned, you can find the connection strings for your SQL database in your Azure portal.

formatVersion: 1
    type: string
    type: Allocations.Compute
    properties: {}
    type: Cloud.Service.Azure.SQL.Server
      name: db-server-${input.suffix}
      region: eastus
      account: azure-account
      version: ''
      administrator_login: [email protected]
      resource_group_name: resource-group-1
      administrator_login_password: admin
      name: idem-expl-test-${input.suffix}
      database_name: idem-expl-test-${input.suffix}
      server_name: ${}
      account: ${}
      location: ${}
        tag-key: tag-value
        name: GP_Gen5
        tier: GeneralPurpose
        family: Gen5
        capacity: 2
      requested_backup_storage_redundancy: Local
      resource_group_name: resource-group-1
      read_scale: Disabled