When you work in Automation Assembler, you can check to see if an existing cloud proxy is running on a virtual machine on which it has been deployed.

A deployed cloud proxy service running on a host virtual machine is required for communication and data collection with vCenter-based cloud accounts and vCenter-based integrations when you work in Automation Assembler. If the cloud proxy service is not running, or if the host virtual machine on which the cloud proxy service has been deployed is not running, communication cannot occur.


As an alternative to this procedure, you can test the status of a cloud proxy while working in Automation Assembler by clicking Infrastructure > Cloud Proxies, selecting the cloud proxy, and selecting Status from the drop-down actions menu.



  1. Log in to the virtual machine where the cloud proxy has been deployed by using any of the following methods:
    • IP address of the virtual machine
    • SSH into the virtual machine
    • Interactive window in the vSphere web client
    After you log in, URLs in the external network connectivity section are listed as Connected.

    successful login to cloud proxy virtual machine screen

    If a URL in the external network connectivity section is listed as Connection Failed, verify that the virtual machine is connected to the internet and that the URL is available.
    • To display allowed URLs, run the following command.

      bash /data-collector-status --requiredUrls

    • To test if the URLs are reachable, run the following command.

      bash /data-collector-status --traceroute

  2. To display the status of all containers that are running on the VA, open a command window and run the following command.

    sh /data-collector-status --containers

    The output is as follows:

                  VMware Cloud Services Data Collector               
                               Status Page                           
    -----------------------Running Containers------------------------
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                         NAMES                           CREATED             STATUS
    5ae006245dca        symphony-docker-external.jfrog.io/vmware/tango-vro-agent:486                  vro-agent                       About an hour       Up About an hour
    a6164d68a6c3        symphony-docker-external.jfrog.io/vmware/cloudassembly-cmx-agent:223          cloudassembly-cmx-agent         7 hours             Up 7 hours
    b05cc6b7f240        symphony-docker-external.jfrog.io/symphony/codestream-lemans-agent:150        codestream-lemans-agent         29 hours            Up 29 hours
    832d24c7b603        symphony-docker-external.jfrog.io/vmware/cloudassembly-sddc-agent:36eb79eb5   cloudassembly-sddc-agent        29 hours            Up 29 hours
    14812ac95571        symphony-docker-external.jfrog.io/symphony/cloudassembly-blueprint-agent:14   cloudassembly-blueprint-agent   29 hours            Up 29 hours
  3. To determine if the cloud proxy service on the VM is running, run the following command.

    systemctl status rdc-proxy

    If the service is running, your result is similar to the following.

    indication that the cloud proxy service is running

  4. If the service is not running, enter the following command to examine the service log.


    Look for a startup:true line similar to the following:

    check for the startup:true line

    Relevant logs include the following:
    • /data1/*
    • /usr/local/bin/proxy.properties
    • /opt/vmware/var/log/firstboot
    • /opt/vmware/var/log/subsequentboot
  5. You can restart a cloud proxy service by selecting the Restart option.

    The restart process takes approximately 5 minutes to reestablish connectivity.