As a cloud administrator, you can create plug-in based, Azure disks in Automation Assembler. You can attach new and existing disks to your plug-in based Azure virtual machines.

You can easily configure your disks to support your infrastructure needs using the latest Azure properties. For example, you can use the encryption property to configure disk encryption options, such as enabling encryption at rest.

If you want to enable encryption for your disk, you must create a disk encryption set in your Azure portal. After you create the disk encryption set, copy the resource ID, and use it as the value for disk_encryption_set_id:

  disk_encryption_set_id: <resource id>
  type: EncryptionAtRestWithCustomerKey

Disk properties

The following properties are required for plug-in based, Azure disks.

Property Description
name The plug-in specific name for the resource.

You can use the same value for the disk_name resource.

disk_name The name of the disk in the Azure portal.

The Azure resources that you deploy with Automation Assembler must conform to Azure naming rules and restrictions. Otherwise, the deployment will fail. See Resource naming restrictions for more information.

account The Microsoft Azure cloud account for account regions to which your team deploys cloud templates.

See Create a Microsoft Azure cloud account in VMware Aria Automation for more information.

location The location where the disk resource will be created.
resource_group_name The name of the resource group.

You must create the resource group in your Azure portal.

Provision an Azure disk

The following template shows how you might provision an Azure disk resource.

Before you deploy this template, complete the following steps:

  1. Create your Microsoft Azure cloud account in Automation Assembler, add your projects, and add your cloud zones.

    In this example, the cloud zone is eastus.

  2. Create a resource group through the Azure portal.

    In this example, the resource group is azure_rg.

formatVersion: 1
inputs: {}
      name: idem-validation-disk
      disk_name: idem-validation-disk
      account: idem-azure
      location: eastus
      resource_group_name: azure_rg
        create_option: FromImage
          id: /Subscriptions/svpvln45-brk0-mzca-7yxh-dla7h19zxyn3/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/eastus/Publishers/MicrosoftWindowsServer/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/Offers/WindowsServerUpgrade/Skus/server2022Upgrade/Versions/20348.1906.230803