Next, you define the example application—the WordPress site—in the form of a generic cloud template. The template can be deployed to different cloud vendors without needing to change its design.

The example consists of a WordPress application server, MySQL database server, and supporting resources. The template starts with a few resources, and then grows as you modify them and add more resources.

Here are the values from the first part of the example, the infrastructure that was set by a cloud administrator:

  • Two cloud accounts, AWS and Azure.
  • Three cloud zone environments:
    • Development—OurCo-AWS-US-East
    • Test—OurCo-AWS-US-West
    • Production—OurCo-Azure-East-US
  • Flavor mappings with small, medium, and large compute resources for each zone.
  • Image mappings for Ubuntu configured in each zone.
  • Network profiles with internal and external subnets for each zone.
  • Storage on which to deploy; general storage for the development and test zone, and fast storage for the production zone.
  • The example project includes all three cloud zone environments plus the users who can create designs.


To follow along, you must be familiar with your own infrastructure values. This example uses AWS for development and test, and Azure for production. When creating your own cloud template, substitute your own values, typically set by your cloud administrator.