If VMware Aria Operations isn't recommending workload placements the way that you expect, review the deployment request details in Automation Assembler or VMware Aria Automation Service Broker.
- Go to , and click the request.
- In Request Details, look at the allocation phases.
Look for targets that were successfully or unsuccessfully identified.
- In Request Details, at the upper right, enable Dev Mode.
- Follow the request path to locate filter blocks.
- Click a filter block, and review the following section.
filterName: ComputePlacementPolicyAffinityHostFilter ˅ computeLinksBefore ˅ computeLinksAfter ˅ filteredOutHostsReasons
Entry Description computeLinksBefore List of potential placement hosts based on VMware Aria Automation algorithms. computeLinksAfter Selected placement host. filteredOutHostsReasons Messages describing why a host was selected or rejected. When VMware Aria Operations selects the host, the following message appears.
advance policy filter: Filtered hosts based on recommendation from vROPS.