As a cloud administrator, you can leverage the Microsoft Azure plug-in to provision plug-in based virtual networks to support your infrastructure needs. You can also use allocation helpers to provide allocation logic for your virtual networks.
You can easily configure your Azure virtual networks to support your infrastructure needs. VMware Aria Automation supports creating virtual networks, virtual network peerings, network interfaces, and more.
Virtual network properties
The following properties are required to provision plug-in based virtual networks for Microsoft Azure.
Property | Description |
name |
The plugin-specific name for the virtual network. You can use the same value for the |
virtual_network_name |
The name of the virtual network. |
account |
The Microsoft Azure cloud account for account regions to which your team deploys cloud templates. See Create a Microsoft Azure cloud account in VMware Aria Automation for more information. |
location |
The region where the virtual network will be deployed. |
address_space |
An array of IP address ranges that can be used by subnets of the virtual network. |
resource_group_name |
The name of the resource group. You must create the resource group in your Azure portal. |
Provision an Azure virtual network
The following template shows how you might provision a basic Azure virtual network.
formatVersion: 1 inputs: {} resources: Idem_AZURE_NETWORK_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS_1: type: Idem.AZURE.NETWORK.VIRTUAL_NETWORKS properties: name: azure-network account: azure-account location: eastus address_space: - resource_group_name: validate_azure_rg virtual_network_name: azure-vnet tags: a: b
Provision Azure virtual network peerings
The following template shows how you might provision virtual network peerings. In this example, you create a network peering between two networks with different address spaces.
formatVersion: 1 inputs: resource_group_name: type: string title: Resource Group Name suffix: type: string title: '' resources: Allocations_Compute_1: type: Allocations.Compute properties: {} Idem_AZURE_NETWORK_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS_1: type: Idem.AZURE.NETWORK.VIRTUAL_NETWORKS properties: name: net-1-doc-${input.suffix} virtual_network_name: net-1-doc-${input.suffix} resource_group_name: ${input.resource_group_name} account: azure-account location: ${} virtual_network_peerings: address_space: - subnets: - name: subnet-1-doc-${input.suffix} address_prefix: Idem_AZURE_NETWORK_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS_2: type: Idem.AZURE.NETWORK.VIRTUAL_NETWORKS properties: name: net-2-doc-${input.suffix} virtual_network_name: net-2-doc-${input.suffix} resource_group_name: ${input.resource_group_name} account: azure-account location: ${} address_space: - subnets: - name: subnet-2-doc-${input.suffix} address_prefix: Idem_AZURE_NETWORK_VIRTUAL_NETWORK_PEERINGS_1: type: Idem.AZURE.NETWORK.VIRTUAL_NETWORK_PEERINGS properties: name: peering-doc-${input.suffix} virtual_network_peering_name: peering-doc-${input.suffix} resource_group_name: ${input.resource_group_name} account: azure-account virtual_network_name: ${resource.Idem_AZURE_NETWORK_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS_1.virtual_network_name} remote_virtual_network: id: ${resource.Idem_AZURE_NETWORK_VIRTUAL_NETWORKS_2.resource_id} use_remote_gateways: false allow_virtual_network_access: false
Provision an Azure network interface
The following template shows how you might provision a network interface. Before you deploy this template, complete the following prerequisites:
- Create a network in your chosen region with a range of and a subnetwork named "default" with range of
- Create a public IP address.
formatVersion: 1 inputs: {} resources: Idem_AZURE_NETWORK_NETWORK_INTERFACES_1: type: Idem.AZURE.NETWORK.NETWORK_INTERFACES properties: name: validate_azure_nic_create account: azure-account location: eastus ip_configurations: - name: validate_azure_ipc private_ip_address_allocation: Static subnet_id: /subscriptions/svpvln45-brk0-mzca-7yxh-dla7h19zxyn3/resourceGroups/validate_azure_rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/validate_azure_network/subnets/default primary: true private_ip_address_version: IPv4 private_ip_address: public_ip_address_id: /subscriptions/svpvln45-brk0-mzca-7yxh-dla7h19zxyn3/resourceGroups/validate_azure_rg/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/validate_azure_ip resource_group_name: validate_azure_rg network_interface_name: validate_azure_nic_create enable_accelerated_networking: true dns_settings: dns_servers: - internal_dns_name_label: test-dns-label