If desired, you can add a custom warning or informational message that appears at the top of your organization’s Automation Config login screen for all users. For example, you could add a legal notice or a warning to users as they log in.

The custom message can be of any length and has two available visual styles:

  • info - The message is displayed in a dark blue box with white text and a informational icon.
  • warning - The message is displayed in a dark orange box with white text and a warning icon.

To create a custom login screen message:

  1. From the command line of the RaaS node server, navigate to the RaaS service configuration file at /etc/raas/raas and open the file in an editor.

    In order to edit the RaaS configuration file, you need administrative access.

  2. Add the following section to the configuration file, replacing the placeholder message with your own message:
      enabled:true# Set to false to disable the message
      style:info# Alternate available style: warning
         Your custom message here.
  3. Save the file.
  4. Restart the RaaS service:
    systemctl restart raas

In a browser, verify that your custom message now appears in your organization’s Automation Config login page.

Removing a custom message from the login screen

To remove a custom login screen message:

  1. From the command line of the RaaS node server, navigate to the RaaS service configuration file at /etc/raas/raas and open the file in an editor.

    In order to edit the RaaS configuration file, you need administrative access.

  2. Find the login_banner section of the configuration file.
  3. Edit the file to set enabled to false:
      style:info# Alternate available style: warning
        Your custom message here.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Restart the RaaS service:
    systemctl restart raas

In a browser, verify that your custom message has been removed.