After you create a namespace, you can use the Cloud Consumption Interface (CCI) to view and select available services that you can use to create deployable resources or generate YAML code that you can download and save to a suitable repository or use as an IaaS resource.

Services in CCI are pluggable modules that are typically developed independently to help users create resources, such as virtual machines. These services can be incorporated into CCI to create a seamless experience for DevOps users working with services in a Kubernetes context. Initially, CCL is supplied with several VMware-created services but, ultimately, users will be able to incorporate custom services that they have created.

To view the services associated with a namespace, click the namespace on the left tree menu. The Service page will open listing all services associated with the namespace. Click the Related objects tab on the Virtual Machine Service page to see all services and other objects associated with virtual machines on the namespace.

Also, you can create a new virtual machine associated with the namespace as described below.

  1. Open the Virtual Machine page for your namespace by clicking the Virtual Machine service tile.

    A New Virtual Machine wizard will start that guides you through the process of creating a new virtual machine.

  2. Click Create VM.
  3. Type a name for the virtual machine.
  4. Select the class that you want to use for the virtual machine. The class selection defines the resources available within the virtual machine.
  5. Select the image to use with the virtual machine.
  6. If desired, you can click the Advanced Configuration check box to access settings to specify additional resources that are available within the virtual machine.

As you create a virtual machine, the YAML code that defines the machine is displayed in the YAML section at the bottom of the page. You can click the Download.Zip button to download a zipped copy of the YAML file generated by the virtual machine wizard.

You can copy and paste the virtual machine YAML code into a command line or use it as an IaaS resource. Alternatively, you may choose to incorporate it into a Git repository as a GitOps style work flow.

After you create a virtual machine, it is listed on the Virtual Machines page for the applicable Supervisor namespaces in CCI. You can click on the virtual machine name to open a page that displays Summary information for that machine. The page also contains a Powered On toggle that enables you to switch machine from powered on to powered off.

In addition, there is an Add Volume button that opens a dialog enabling you to add additional disk volumes in specified sizes to the virtual machine.