As a cloud administrator or a project member with resources for your project, you can use the Resources page on the Consume tab to manage your deployed and onboarded resources as individual resources by resource type.

This workflow, which focuses on managing virtual machines, provides a guide for high-level resource life cycle management that you can apply to the other resource types.

Locate virtual machine resources

Deployed and onboarded virtual machines are available on the Resources page and the Managed tab on the Virtual Machines page. This example focuses on virtual machines, but you can apply the same workflow to the other resource types.

  1. Select Consume > Deployments > Virtual Machines > Managed.
  2. Locate your virtual machine.

    You can use the filters or the search to locate particular resources.

    Screenshot of the Virtual Machines page with the VM highlighted.

Review the virtual machine details

The resource details provide a quick view of the machine information, including networks, custom properties, and other collected information.

  1. Locate the machine in the Virtual Machines list.
  2. Click the double arrows next to the resource name in the left column of the table.

    The details pane opens on the right side of the list.

    Screenshot of the virtual machines list with the details pane open.
  3. To close the pane, click the double arrows or the resource name.

Run day 2 actions on the virtual machine

You use the day 2 actions to manage your resources. The available actions depend on the resource type, the state of the resource, and the day 2 action policies that are enforced.

  1. Locate the machine in the Virtual Machines list.
  2. Click the vertical ellipsis to see the available actions.
  3. Click the action.
    Screenshot of the day 2 actions that are available for a particular virtual machine.