You can automate repetitive tasks by running a workflow on a selection of objects. For example, you can create a workflow that takes a snapshot of all the virtual machines in a virtual machine folder, or you can create a workflow that powers off all the virtual machines on a given host.

You can use one of several methods to run a workflow on a selection of objects. Which method you choose depends on the specific workflow and can affect the performance of that workflow.

  • Run the Run a workflow on a selection of objects workflow.

    To access the workflow, navigate to Library > Workflows in the Automation Orchestrator Client and enter the name of the workflow in the workflow search bar.

    Running this workflow is the simplest method and requires no workflow development, but it can only run workflows that take a single input parameter.

  • Create a workflow that calls the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in parallel workflows.

    This method allows you to run workflows that take more than one input parameter. The calling workflow must create a properties array to pass the input parameters to the Start workflows in a series or Start workflows in parallel workflow. These two workflows are only meant for use in other workflows. Do not run them directly.

    For instructions on implementing this method, go to Implement the Start Workflows in a Series and Start Workflows in Parallel Workflows.

  • Create a workflow that obtains an array of objects and runs a workflow on each object in the array in a loop of workflow elements.
  • Run a workflow from JavaScript by calling the Workflow.execute() method in a For loop in a scripted element in a workflow.

    This method is faster than running a workflow in a loop of workflow elements, but it is less flexible and limits the potential for reuse. Most importantly, running a workflow in a scripted loop loses the checkpointing that Automation Orchestrator performs when it starts each element in a workflow run. As a consequence, if the Automation Orchestrator server stops while the scripted loop is running, when the server restarts, the workflow resumes at the beginning of the scripted element, repeating the whole loop. If the Automation Orchestrator server stops while running a workflow with a loop of workflow elements, the workflow resumes at the specific element in the loop that was running when the server stopped.