Workflows consist of a schema, workflow variables, and input and output parameters. The workflow schema is the main component of a workflow as it defines all the workflow elements and the logical connections between them. The workflow variables and parameters are the properties that workflows use to transfer data. Automation Orchestrator saves a workflow token every time a workflow runs, recording the details of that specific workflow run.

Workflow Parameters

Workflows receive input parameters and generate output parameters when they run.

Input Parameters

Most workflows require a certain set of input parameters to run. An input parameter is an argument that the workflow processes when it runs. The user, an application, another workflow, or an action passes input parameters to a workflow for the workflow to process when it runs.

For example, if a workflow resets a virtual machine, the workflow requires the name of the virtual machine as an input parameter.

Output Parameters

A workflow's output parameters represent the result from the workflow run. Output parameters can change when a workflow or a workflow element runs. During a workflow run, the workflow can receive the output parameters of other workflows as input parameters.

For example, if a workflow creates a snapshot of a virtual machine, the output parameter for the workflow is the resulting snapshot.

Workflow Variables

Workflow elements process data that they receive as input parameters, and set the resulting data as workflow variables or output parameters.

Read-only workflow variables act as global constants for a workflow. Writable variables act as a workflow’s global variables.

You can use variables to transfer data between the elements of a workflow. You can obtain variables in the following ways:

  • Define variables when you create a workflow.
  • Set the output parameter of a workflow element as a workflow variable.
  • Inherit variables from a configuration element.

Workflow Schema

A workflow schema is a graphical representation that shows the workflow as a flow diagram of interconnected workflow elements. The workflow schema is the most important element of a workflow as it determines its logic.

Workflow presentation

When users run a workflow, they provide the values for the input parameters of the workflow in the workflow presentation. When you organize the workflow presentation, consider the type and number of input parameters of the workflow. You can configure the presentation of your workflows from the Input Form tab of the workflow editor in the Automation Orchestrator Client.

Workflow Tokens

A workflow token represents a workflow that is running or has finished running.

A workflow is an abstract description of a process that defines a generic sequence of steps and a generic set of required input parameters. When you run a workflow with a set of input parameters, you receive an instance of this abstract workflow that behaves according to the specific input parameters you give it. This specific instance of a finished or a running workflow is called a workflow token.

Workflow Token Attributes

Workflow token attributes are the specific parameters with which a workflow token runs. The workflow token attributes are an aggregation of the workflow's global variables and the specific input and output parameters with which you run the workflow token.