You can migrate your project and save any workflows that you modify in an up-to-date format. You also begin to use the latest version of the plug-in SDK. If you want to keep support for 7.x, you can branch your project.


  • Verify that you are running Automation Orchestrator 8.13 or later.
  • Verify that you are using Maven 3.6.1 or later.
  • If your project does not depend on internal Automation Orchestrator Maven libraries which are not distributed with the SDK, you can install the new SDK and delete the repositories and pluginRepositories sections from the pom.xml file. You must also transition to using an isolated ClassLoader for your plug-in. For more information, see ClassLoaders.
  • If your plug-in is in a non-isolated ClassLoader and depends on public libraries coming from Automation Orchestrator, you must include the same libraries as direct dependencies in the plug-in. This also requires the usage of an isolated ClassLoader for your plug-in.


  1. Open the pom.xml file in the root folder of your project.
    1. Replace vco.version with sdk.version and set the version to 10.0.0 or any later release of the SDK you want to use.
    2. Change <artifactId>maven-o11n-package-plugin</artifactId> entry to <artifactId>o11n-package-maven-plugin</artifactId>.
  2. Open the pom.xml file in the project-name folder (the folder on the same level as the <project-name>-package folder), and change <artifactId>maven-o11n-dar-plugin</artifactId> to <artifactId>o11n-dar-maven-plugin</artifactId>.
  3. For existing plug-ins that you want to migrate to the new SDK, you must remove the repositories and pluginRepositories sections from the root pom.xml file of your project.
    Because you installed the Plug-in SDK in your local Maven repository, you do not need to log into the Automation Orchestrator appliance to retrieve the SDK libraries. The pom.xml sections for a Maven repository are not needed.

    It is recommended to transition to an isolated ClassLoader for your plug-in to decouple its dependencies from the platform. See ClassLoaders.

  4. To build your plug-in, run the following Maven command.
    mvn clean install -Dinstallation.mode=always -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.allowall=true
  5. Log in to the Automation Orchestrator Control Center as root and navigate to the Manage Plug-ins page.
  6. Install your new plug-in. See Install or Update a Automation Orchestrator Plug-In.
  7. Edit and save the workflows that you want to change.
    Editing the workflows breaks their backward compatibility with vRealize Orchestrator 7.x because they no longer use the presentation format supported in that version of the product.
    If you cannot edit your workflows, make sure that you have set the allowedMasks property value to vef in the configuration for the o11n-package-maven-plugin in the pom.xml of the your-project-name-package folder. Example:
  8. Go to your your-project-name-package folder and run the following command.
    mvn o11n-package:import-package \
    	-DserverUrl=<your_orchestrator_hostname>:443 \
    	-Dusername=<orchestrator_user> \
    	-Dpassword=<orchestrator_password> \
    	-Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true \
    The changes that you made to the workflows in step 6 in this procedure are downloaded.