ConnectionRepository acts as local cache of a plug-in because it keeps all live connections. Any read operation that is related to a live connection must pass through the ConnectionRepository interface.

* The ConnectionRepository implements the ConfigurationChangeListener, because
we want to be subscribed to all
* changes related to configurations. ApplicationContextAware and
InitializingBean are spring-related interfaces.
public class ConnectionRepository implements ApplicationContextAware,
InitializingBean, ConfigurationChangeListener {
 * Injecting the ConnectionPersister
 private ConnectionPersister persister;
 private ApplicationContext context;

 * The local map (cache) of live connections
 private final Map<Sid, Connection> connections;
 public ConnectionRepository() {
 connections = new ConcurrentHashMap<Sid, Connection>();

 * The public interface returns a live connection by its ID
 public Connection findLiveConnection(Sid anyId) {
 return connections.get(anyId.getId());

 * The public interface returns all live connections from the local cache
 public Collection<Connection> findAll() {
 return connections.values();

 * Spring-specifics - storing a reference to the spring context
 public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext context) throws
BeansException {
 this.context = context;

 * Spring specifics - this method is being called automatically by the
spring container
 * after all the fields are set and before the bean is being provided for
 * This method will be called when the plug-in is being loaded - on server
 public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
 //Subscribing the Repository for any configuration changes that occur
in the Persister

 //Initializing the Persister. By doing that, the persister will invoke
the connectionUpdated() method

 //and since we are subscribed to those events, the local cache will be
populated with all the available connections.
 private Connection createConnection(ConnectionInfo info) {
 //This call will create a new spring-managed bean from the context
 return (Connection) context.getBean("connection", info);

 * This method will be called from the ConnectionPersister when a new
 * is added or an existing one is updated.
 public void connectionUpdated(ConnectionInfo info) {
 Connection live = connections.get(info.getId());
 if (live != null) {
 } else {
 // connection just added, create it
 live = createConnection(info);
 connections.put(info.getId(), live);

 * This method will be called from the ConnectionPersister when a
 * is removed.
 public void connectionRemoved(ConnectionInfo info) {
 Connection live = connections.remove(info.getId());
 if (live != null) {

The difference between ConnectionPersister and ConnectionRepository is that the persister manages only the ConnectionInfo POJOs that remain behind the live connections, whereas ConnectionRepository provides the same instance of a third-party connection. In other words, ConnectionRepository handles connections and ConnectionPersister handles ConnectionInfo objects.

ConnectionRepository provides two methods - findLiveConnection(..) and findAll(..). If you want to edit or delete a connection from the repository, you use the ConnectionPersister interface.

When the persister updates or deletes a connection, the change propagates to the repository because ConnectionRepository is subscribed to update or delete events that ConnectionPersister handles.