VMware Aria Operations for Applications (formerly known as VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront) is a unified observability platform delivering full-stack visibility using metrics, traces, and logs, across distributed applications, application services, container services, and multi-cloud based on public, private, and hybrid cloud infrastructures.

You can send metrics, traces, and logs to Operations for Applications and get actionable insights into your entire application stack.

Integrate with Kubernetes, Spring Boot, and More

Operations for Applications includes 250+ integrations with predefined dashboards and alerts for common cloud providers, DevOps tools, big data frameworks, web applications and services, data stores, and more. In addition, tight integrations with Spring Boot, Kubernetes, and Tanzu Mission Control are available. See the List of Integrations.

Extract Information with the Wavefront Query Language (WQL)

With the included Wavefront Query Language (WQL), you can extract the information you need from your data. New users can work with the ease-of-use Chart Builder. Advanced users can work with the Query Editor. See the Query Language Tutorial.

Visualize Data in Charts and Dashboards

Operations for Applications includes many predefined chart dashboards, and supports creation and fine-grained customization of charts and dashboards. You can choose from many chart types (such as line plot, point plot, table, pie chart, etc.) and visualize your data based on WQL queries. By default, all users can interact directly with charts and dashboards in real time – zoom in, zoom out, change the time window, change the focus, and so on. See how to Examine Data with Dashboards and Charts.

Detect Problems with Alerts

You can monitor for a certain behavior and get smart notifications based on WQL query conditions. You can create alerts independently or directly from charts. See How Alerts Work.

Track Application Workflows with Traces and Spans

You can work with a service map, examine traces and spans, and drill down into problem areas in your code. See the Distributed Tracing Overview.

Find the Root Cause of Issues with Logs

You can browse logs to troubleshoot your issues, for example, if you notice anomalies on your metrics charts or see that a service on the application map has large latency value. You can also drill into related logs directly from charts, alerts, and traces. See how to Get Started with Logs.

Monitor How You Use Your Service

You can monitor how you use the Operations for Applications service, set alerts, and prevent additional charges for overages. See how to Examine the Overall Usage of Your Wavefront Service.

More Information

To deep-dive and learn more about Operations for Applications, see the VMware Aria Operations for Applications documentation and the VMware Aria Operations for Applications videos.