Properties are collected for the service engine group object type.

Service Engine Group Properties

Property Name Category Description
Name Summary Name of the object.
UUID Summary UUID of the object to fetch.
Tenant Summary Reference to an object of type Tenant.
Cloud Summary Reference to an object of type Cloud.
Version Summary Version and build of the service engine group created.
Num of Service Engines Summary Number of service engines belonging to a particular service engine group.
Max Num of Service Engines Summary Maximum number of services engines in the group.
Num of Virtual Service Summary Total number of virtual services hosted in the service engine that belongs to a particular service engine group.
Max Num of Virtual Services per Service Engine Summary Maximum number of virtual services that can be placed on a single service engine.
RealTime Metrics Summary Enable or deactivate real time service engine metrics.
HA Mode High Availability & Placement Settings High Availability mode for all the virtual services using the service engine group.
SE Self-Election High Availability & Placement Settings Enables service engines to elect a primary amongst themselves in the absence of connectivity to a controller.
VS Placement across Ses High Availability & Placement Settings If placement mode is 'Auto',virtual services are automatically placed on service engines.
Max Number of Service Engine Service Engine Capacity and Limit Settings Maximum number of services engines in the group.
Memory per Service Engine Service Engine Capacity and Limit Settings Amount of memory for each of the service engine virtual machines.
Memory Reserve Service Engine Capacity and Limit Settings Description of the property mem_reserve of the object type ServiceEngineGroup.
vCPU per Service Engine Service Engine Capacity and Limit Settings Number of vCPUs for each of the service engine virtual machines.
CPU Reserve Service Engine Capacity and Limit Settings Description of property cpu_reserve of the object type ServiceEngineGroup.
Disk per Service Engine Service Engine Capacity and Limit Settings Amount of disk space for each of the service engine virtual machines.
Host Geolocation Profile Memory Allocation Extra configuration memory to support large Geo DB configurations.
Memory for Caching Memory Allocation A percent value of total service engine memory reserved for application caching.
Available Memory for Connections and Buffers Memory Allocation Percentage of memory for the connection state.
Connections Memory Distribution Memory Allocation Percentage of memory for connection state.
Buffers Memory Distribution Memory Allocation Percentage of memory for buffers state.
License Type License If no license type is specified, then the default license enforcement for the cloud type is chosen.
Enable Per-app SE Mode License Per-app service engine mode is designed for deploying dedicated load balancers per app (virtual service).
SE Bandwidth Type License The bandwidth of the service engine for the bandwidth license.
Number of SE Data Paths License Configures the maximum number of se_dp processes that handles traffic.
Hyperthreading License Controls the distribution of service engine data path processes on CPUs which support hyper-threading.
Cluster Included Host & Data Store Scope List of clusters where service engines will be deployed.
Cluster Excluded Host & Data Store Scope List of clusters where service engines are not deployed.
Data Store Scope for Service Engine Virtual Machine Host & Data Store Scope Enum options - VCENTER_DATASTORE_ANY, VCENTER_DATASTORE_LOCAL, VCENTER_DATASTORE_SHARED
Buffer Service Engines Advanced HA & Placement Excess service engine capacity provisioned for HA failover.
Scale per Virtual Service (Min) Advanced HA & Placement Minimum number of active service engines for the virtual service.
Scale per Virtual Service (max) Advanced HA & Placement Maximum number of active service engines for the virtual service.
CPU socket Affinity Advanced HA & Placement Allocate all the CPU cores for the service engine VMs on the same CPU socket.
Dedicated dispatcher CPU Advanced HA & Placement Dedicate the core that handles packet receive/transmit from the network to just the dispatching function. Not used for TCP/IP and SSL functions.
Override Management Network Advanced HA & Placement Management network to use for service engines. Reference to an object of type Network.
Significant Log Throttle Log Collection and Streaming Settings The setting limits the number of significant logs generated per second per core on this service engine.
UDF Log Throttle Log Collection and Streaming Settings The setting limits the number of UDF logs generated per second per core on this service engine.
Non-significant Log Throttle Log Collection and Streaming Settings The setting limits the number of non-significant logs generated per second per core on this service engine.
Number of Streaming Threads Log Collection and Streaming Settings Number of threads to use for log streaming.
Instance Flavor AWS and Azure Instance/Flavor name for the service engine instance.
Service Engine Name Prefix AWS and Azure Prefix to use for the virtual machine name of service engines.
Delete Unused Service Engines After AWS and Azure Duration to preserve unused service engine virtual machines before deleting them. If traffic to a virtual service were to spike up abruptly, this service engine would be available to be utilized again rather than creating a new service engine.
Avi Managed Security Group AWS and Azure By default, security groups are created and managed along with the custom security group provided by the user. Set this to True to disallow the creation and management of new security groups. Only custom security groups provided by user are used.
Management vNIC Custom Security Groups AWS and Azure Custom security groups to be associated with management vNics for service engine instances.
Data vNIC Custom Security Groups AWS and Azure Custom security groups to be associated with data vNICs for service engine instances.
Auto Rebalance AWS and Azure If set, virtual services are automatically migrated when load on a service engine is less than minimum or more than maximum thresholds. Only alerts are generated when the auto_rebalance is not set.