Metrics are collected for the virtual service object type.

Virtual Service Metrics

Metric Name Category Description
Average Bandwidth L4 statistics Average transmit and receive network bandwidth between client and virtual service.
Average New Established Connections L4 statistics Averaged rate of new client connections per second.
Percent Connections DOS Attacks L4 statistics Fraction of L4 connections owing to DoS.
Average New SSL Handshakes L7 statistics Average new successful SSL sessions.
Max SSL Open Connections L7 statistics Maximum number of open SSL sessions.
RPS Virtual Service Metrics Average rate of client HTTP requests received by the virtual service per second.
CPS Virtual Service Metrics Rate of total connections per second.
Open Connections Virtual Service Metrics Max number of open connections.
Client RTT Virtual Service Metrics Average network round trip time between client and virtual service.
Server RTT Virtual Service Metrics Averaged RTT across all connections closed.
App response Virtual Service Metrics Average latency measured for pool server.
Data transfer time Virtual Service Metrics Average client data transfer time that represents latency of sending response to the client excluding the RTT time. Higher client data transfer time signifies lower bandwidth between client and the service engine.
End to end timing Virtual Service Metrics Average network round trip time between the client and virtual service.
Request packets Virtual Service Metrics Average rate of packets received per second.
Tx packets Virtual Service Metrics Average rate of packets transmitted per second.
Requests Virtual Service Metrics Average rate of client HTTP requests received by the virtual service per second.
Request Errors % Virtual Service Metrics Percent of 4xx and 5xx responses.
Rx Packets Virtual Service Metrics Average rate of packets received per second.
Tx Packets Virtual Service Metrics Average rate of packets transmitted per second.
DoS attacks Virtual Service Metrics Number DDOS attacks occurring.
Throughput Virtual Service Metrics Average transmit and receive network bandwidth between client and virtual service.
HTTP / HTTP2 Request Virtual Service Metrics Rate of HTTP responses sent per second and average number of client HTTP2 requests received by the Virtual Service per second.
DNS Query Types Virtual Service Metrics Rate of DNS Responses of type A per second, rate of DNS Requests of type AAAA per second, rate of DNS Requests of type NS per second, rate of DNS requests of type SRV per second, rate of DNS requests of type MX per second, and rate of DNS requests of type OTHER per second.
DNS Queries, % errors Virtual Service Metrics Rate of DNS responses per second, including errors and Percentage of DNS responses with errors.
TCP vs UDP Virtual Service Metrics Rate of TCP queries per second and rate of UDP queries per second.
Total Score Health Score Total health score of the virtual service. The final health score for the virtual service equals the performance score minus the various penalty scores.
Security Threat Level Health Score Security penalty score of the virtual service. The security penalty shows risks due to configuration settings that leave a site vulnerable, as well as vulnerability to attacks such as DDoS.
Anomaly Score Health Score Anomaly penalty score of the virtual service. Anomaly is defined as traffic that is outside the statistical norm for the time period.
Resource Score Health Score Resource penalty score of the virtual service. Any penalty assessed because of resource availability issues is assigned a score, which is then subtracted from the performance score.
Performance Score Health Score Performance score of the virtual service. Performance is comprised of end user’s experience and server response. The performance score is a positive number from 0 (down) to 100 (ideal).