Metrics are collected for the service engine object type.

Service Engine Metrics

Metric Name Category Description
Connections Service Engine Average number of connections including the dropped connections and ones due to policy drops. This would be the same as the number of SYNS seen by service engines on any virtual service.
Dropped Connections % Service Engine Total number of connections dropped excluding the dropped connections and ones due to policy drops. This would be same as number of SYNS seen by the service engine on any virtual service. It include both connections that failed to establish.
Throughput Service Engine Average transmit and receive network bandwidth for an interface.
CPU Usage Service Engine The host's view of the CPU usage. The amount of actively used virtual CPU, as a percentage of total available CPU.
Memory Usage Service Engine Memory usage as percentage of total configured or available memory.
Disk1 Usage Service Engine Service engine disk 1 capacity usage.
RX Packets Service Engine Average rate of received packets per second.
RX Bytes Service Engine Average rate of received bytes on an interface.
RX packets Drop Service Engine Average number of received packets dropped per sec. It includes packets across all virtual services and non-virtual services.
TX Bytes Service Engine Average rate of transmitted bytes on an interface.
TX Packets Service Engine Average rate of transmit packets per second.
Interface Throughput Service Engine Average transmit and receive network bandwidth for an interface.
Connection Memory Usage Service Engine Connection memory usage as percentage of total allowed for connections.
Dynamic Memory Usage Service Engine Percentage of service engine's dynamic memory usage.
SSL Cache Usage Service Engine SSL session cache usage in percent.
Buffer Usage Service Engine Packet Buffer usage as percentage of total configured packet buffers.
Persistent Table Usage Service Engine Session persistent table entries usage percent.
Syn Cache Usage Service Engine Percentage of SYN cache usage. Higher usage indicates too many connection attempts and open at service engine.
Total Score Health Score Total health score of the service engine.
Anomaly Score Health Score Anomaly penalty of the service engine.
Performance Score Health Score Performance score of the service engine.
Resources Score Health Score Resource penalty of the service engine.
Security Threat Level Health Score Security penalty score of the service engine.