Properties are collected for the controller object type.

Controller Properties

Property Name Category Description
Name Summary Name of the controller.
URL Summary URL of the controller.
Port Summary Port of the controller.
IP Address Summary IP address of the controller.
Public IP Summary Value of controller tag 'public_ip_or_name'.
UUID Summary UUID of the controller.
Version Summary Controller version.
Role Summary Controller role: whether leader or follower.
Status Summary Current status of the controller.
Current Tier Basic Selected Licence tier option.
Message Basic License related information.
Service Core Usage Basic No of consumed core out of the total core capacity.
Service Core Usage (%) Basic Total core consumption percentage.
Current Tier Enterprise Selected Licence tier option.
Message Enterprise License related information.
Service Core Usage Enterprise No of consumed core out of the total core capacity.
Service Core Usage (%) Enterprise Total core consumption percentage.
Current Tier Enterprise with Cloud Services Selected Licence tier option.
Message Enterprise with Cloud Services License related information.
Service Core Usage Enterprise with Cloud Services No of consumed core out of the total core capacity.
Service Core Usage (%) Enterprise with Cloud Services Total core consumption percentage.
Cloud Services Available Licenses Enterprise with Cloud Services Available service units in the org.
Max Service Licenses Enterprise with Cloud Services Maximum service units limit for the controller.
Reserved Service Licenses Enterprise with Cloud Services Minimum service units that always remain reserved on the controller.
Current Tier Essentials Selected Licence tier option.
Message Essentials License related information.
Service Core Usage Essentials No of consumed core out of the total core capacity.
Service Core Usage (%) Essentials Total core consumption percentage.