In the summary pages for Namespace, Service, and Pod objects, the entries for super metrics and usage metrics are visible although they no longer exist

Workaround: None

Custom Prometheus metrics will not be collected after upgrade Kubernetes MP 1.8 by default

Workaround: Enable the option for custom metrics in the XML file from the VMware Aria Operations user interface. Refer documentation for additional details.

Some Prometheus exporter metrics are propagated to parent objects as the PromQL matches the same metric

Some Prometheus exporter metrics are propagated to parent objects as the PromQL matches the same metric. So, the the same set of metrics are grouped under parent Kubernetes objects. For example: The Container metrics are grouped under Pod/Node/Namespace.

Workaround: None

During configuration, VMware Aria Operations Management Pack for Kubernetes verifies if the cAdvisor service is accessible on every node. An error message similar to the following may appear: Unable to establish a valid connection to the target system. cAdvisor service on following nodes is either not reachable OR of a lower version than v2.1

The error occurs if the cAdvisor service is inaccessible or if the API version is lesser than 2.1. You may sometimes receive this error if the cAdvisor service temporarily throws a gateway error at the time of verification.


  1. Verify if the cAdvisor service is up and running on the affected nodes and responds to API calls.

  2. Verify if the API version of the cAdvisor service is later than 2.1. If not, deploy the latest version of the cAdvisor service.

If you have completed the above two steps, you can ignore the error message and continue to save the adapter instance.

Under recommendations, the Defined by column is displayed as KubernetesAdapter3

Under recommendations, the Defined by column is displayed as KubernetesAdapter3.

Deleting the VMware PKS adapter instance does not remove the Kubernetes adapter instances created by the VMware PKS adapter instance

When you delete the VMware PKS adapter instance, the Kubernetes adapter instances created by the VMware PKS adapter instance will not be removed.

Workaround : Manually delete the adapter instances related to the VMware PKS adapter instance

The Environment Overview dashboard does not display the relationship between the vCenter Hosts/Virtual Machines and the Kubernetes nodes

If the VMware Aria Operations accesses the Kubernetes instance through proxy, the vCenter adapter instance does not provide a provision to specify proxy. So, the Environment Overview dashboard may not display the relationship between the vCenter Hosts/Virtual Machines and the Kubernetes nodes.

Workaround: None

Adding the VMware PKS adapter will configure the Kubernetes instances but does not create the vCenter adapter instances

Adding the VMware PKS adapter will configure the Kubernetes instances but does not create the vCenter adapter instances or associate it with the vCenters that the Kubernetes cluster nodes are deployed in.

Workaround: Manually configure the vCenter adapter instances and then add the details to the Kubernetes adapters that are auto-configured by VMware PKS.

Container File System base usage (MB) should be referred as file system base limit

The Container File System base usage (MB) should be referred as file system base limit. This is applicable only for Prometheus monitored containers.

Workaround: None

DiskIO|Sync and DiskIO|Async Container metrics will not be shown in VMware Aria Operations 

The DiskIO|Sync and DiskIO|Async Container metrics will not be shown in VMware Aria Operations for Prometheus monitored containers. 

Workaround: None

Adapter instance is in the warning state if customer upgrades Kubernetes MP from 1.5.1/1.5.2 to 1.6

Due to refresh token expiry in TKGI setup, a popup with error message, "Error in accessing the base url of Kubernetes master - /api/v1", is displayed.

  1. Edit the adapter instance which is in the warning state.

  2. Perform Validate Connection.

  3. Accept the certificates:

    • TKGI (for Kubernetes clusters deployed on TKGI)

    • Accept the Kubernetes Cluster

  4. Click Ok when the popup error message is displayed. Click Save.

  5. Click Yes on the confirmation popup message window.

  6. Wait for 2 - 3 collection cycles until the adapter instance is in data receiving state.

Basic Auth does not work on Kubernetes MP for Kubernetes 1.19 and above version

Kubernetes deprecates the support of Basic authentication model from Kubernetes 1.19 onwards.

Use Certificate /Token auth to configure adapter instance for Kubernetes 1.19 and above versions.

Deprecation of cAdvisor

cAdvisor integration is deprecated from the latest version of TKG.

Deploy cAdvisor as Daemon or use Prometheus as a collector service with supported exporters.

Time-out error while performing test connection on selecting cAdvisor collector service

Kubernetes Cluster nodes are not routable for performance metrics to be collected from VMware Aria Operations using cAdvisor.

Use Prometheus as a collector service with supported exporters.

Performance metrics may not be collected for container runtimes except for docker

Few performance metrics may not be collected using cAdvisor collector service for container runtimes, except for docker.

Use Prometheus as a collector service with supported exporters.

Default alerts from Kubernetes Management Pack may not work

Default alerts from Kubernetes Management Pack may not work when Prometheus is used as a collector service.

Workaround: None