With the Prometheus integration, VMware Aria Operations retrieves the metrics directly from Prometheus with the help of exporters running on the Kubernetes cluster. You can use the following sample deployments to see how Prometheus metrics are collected.
What to read next
cAdvisor Setup To deploy cAdvisor for monitoring Linux containers using the YAML file, you have to perform the following actions.
cStatsExporter Setup You can use the CstatsExporter to retrieve the Windows container metrics in two ways. Perform the following actions to retrieve the metrics information.
Telegraf Kubernetes Plugin Setup for Windows And Linux To deploy the Telegraf Kubernetes Plugin Setup for Windows And Linux containers using the YAML file, you have to perform the following actions.
Windows Exporter Setup on Windows Node To deploy Windows Exporter for monitoring Windows containers using the YAML file, you have to perform the following actions.
Node Exporter Setup on Linux Nodes Run the following commands on each linux node to install Node Exporter as service.
Redis Telegraf Input Plugin To deploy Redis Telegraf Input Plugin using the YAML file, you have to perform the following actions.
Control Plane Nodes Control plane components consist API Server, Controller Manager, Scheduler, ETCD, and CoreDNS. These components run as a pod within the control plane node. As control plane nodes orchestrate the functioning of the entire Kubernetes cluster, it is necessary to monitor the KPI metrics of these components that can effect the overall health of the Kubernetes cluster.
Storage Monitoring The Management Pack for Kubernetes provides visibility to the storage metrics at the Node level and the Cluster level. This is now extended at the Namespace level and to differentiate them based on the PersistentVolumeClaim
, mapping has been provided for Prometheus.