The <MetricGroup> section contains information about the collection of metrics which need to be grouped and displayed in VMware Aria Operations. The name under which the metrics need to be grouped is the groupName attribute.

This section also holds information whether the metrics under this group are instanced or not under the isInstancedattribute. Set this attribute to true if the metrics under the group are instanced and false if they are not.

Note: A metric is considered to be instanced only when it contains the instance information as part of its label values for which the metric belongs.

For example, consider the metric below which can be considered as an instanced metric because the metric is available for multiple network interfaces (multiple instances of network interfaces) in the same node. In this example, the label device holds the information that denotes the instance information –the name of the network.
node_arp_entries{device="eth0", instance="", job="node-exporter", node_name="k8s-master"} 18
node_arp_entries{device="eth1", instance="", job="node-exporter", node_name="k8s-master"} 1
The XML configuration to represent this metric would be as follows:
<MetricGroup groupName="Network (Instanced)" isInstanced="true">
  <Metric instancedLabelName="device" metricName="ARP Entries" metricUnit="Count" promMetricName="node_arp_entries" isRate="false"/>
The XML configuration to represent a metric that is not instanced would be as follows:
   <MetricGroup groupName="Summary" isInstanced="false">
     <Metric instancedLabelName="" metricName="Node Boot Time" metricUnit="sec" promMetricName="node_boot_time_seconds" isRate="false"/>


  • To group instanced metrics, the groupName attributed should be appended with (Instanced) to avoid conflicts with other non-instanced metric group which may have the same value for the groupName attribute.
  • The name of the group should follow Pascal Case where the first letter of group name should be in upper case and rest should be in lower case.