The actual configurations you have in production should reflect your current architecture standard. Your architecture or standard might change over the years, but it should be documented. You can then use the configuration dashboards to compare the reality with the intended standards. If they differ, one of them is wrong and must be addressed.

Standards make operations simpler and are often required for compliance. For example, you have a standard for VMware Tools versions and you choose one version as your main standard, but allow one other version across your VDI environment as it takes time to upgrade. You can create a pie chart showing the distribution of VMware Tools version. Each slice in the pie chart counts the occurrence of a particular value. You should expect to see only slices. If you are seeing more than 2, then the reality differs to your standard.

Use this dashboard to view the overall configuration of Horizon in your environment, especially the configuration that needs attention.

Design Consideration

This dashboard is designed to work with the existing vSphere and vSAN configuration dashboards and has similar design. It does not duplicate vSphere and vSAN objects. Use the vSphere and vSAN equivalent dashboards to their configuration.

How to Use the Dashboard

The dashboard is organized into three sections for the ease of use. All sections display the relevant configurations. You do not have to select any pod to filter.

The first section covers Pods.

  • This section has two rows. Both use a pie chart but they are visually separated by color scheme.

    The first row focuses on the users and that they consume.

  • The second row focuses on the underlying infrastructure.

  • Use the pie charts to verify if the actual distribution reflects your plan. For example, if all applications should be available in all pods, then you should not have any slice in the pie chart.

The second section covers Farms and Pools.

  • This section has one row. It uses absolute distribution, not relative, providing the actual count on each bucket.

  • There are best practices covering the size of a farm and a pool. Your architecture should follow that, and this dashboard should reflect that it is being correctly implemented.

The third section covers Client.

  • As horizon clients are installed on the remote ends (as opposed to datacenter that you can control), their configuration may fall behind over time. Older version can introduce compatibility issues.

  • Use this section to check if there are Horizon Clients that do not meet the required standard.

The section covers miscellaneous item.

  • They are collapsed by default, to keep the overall dashboard simple. It also improves loading time.

Point to Note

The dashboard shows both RDS and VDI. If you have only one of them, collapse the widgets you do not need, and expand the ones you need.