This dashboard provides insight into the overall Horizon Network health and performance. It allows administrators to have a single pane of glass to see across Unified Access Gateways, Connection Servers, configured Horizon Network Routes, Horizon Pools, Farms, and Users to identify areas of operational concern and take proactive remediation steps.​

Design Consideration

The dashboard is organized to show the critical Horizon Connection Server services and performance are at the top and relative Horizon Users, Pools, and Farms are organized towards the bottom.

How to Use this dashboard

Horizon World Critical Issues scoreboard widget provides insight into the overall datacenter and protocol performance for all Horizon sessions, current connected users, and critical issue count for VDI pools and RDS farms. When you double-click any scoreboard metric, you can create trends for that metric and change the total timeframe for this metric's trend.

UAG Widgets
  • UAG HTTP Health Check Status (should be 200): provides insight into the UAGs where the Horizon service is failing its Health Check. If the Health Check status shows a status of 500 or is colored red, this indicates the Horizon services on the UAG are in a failed state, and immediate steps should be taken to recover the services.
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the UAG VM, and the HTTP Check metric should be enabled and collecting.
  • UAG Network Performance (protocol): provides a distribution of Unified Access Gateways by their overall Network KPI (%) performance score. UAG performance scores are categorized from Blue (best score) to Red (Worst score).
  • UAG Network Performance Trend: Provides of trendline of all Unified Access Gateway by their Network KPI (%) performance score.
  • UAG Route Latency (telegraf Ping check): provides a distribution of Unified Access Gateways by the total route latency determined by the Telegraf Ping Check feature. UAG route latency is categorized from Blue (best score) to Red (Worst Score). This widget helps to identify the UAGs that have the worst latency to their configured network Ping check route.
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the UAG, and configure the Ping Check metric to the desired network target for monitoring.
  • UAG Route Packet Loss (telegraf Ping check): provides a distribution of Unified Access Gateways by the total route packet loss determined by the Telegraf Ping Check feature. UAG route packet loss is categorized from Blue (best score) to Red (Worst Score). This widget helps to identify the UAGs that have the worst packet loss to their configured network Ping check route.
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the UAG, and configure the Ping Check metric to the desired network target for monitoring.
  • UAG Net Performance (telegraf Ping check): provides a trendline of all Unified Access Gateways and their network performance (latency, packet loss) to their configured network route.
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the UAG, and configure the Ping Check metric to the desired network target for monitoring.
  • UAG Current Session Disparity (connection balance): provides a distribution of all Unified Access Gateways by the amount of connected session disparity. The higher the value of disparity indicates a greater amount of imbalance for the UAG(s). This widget helps to identify the UAGs that have the largest amount of session imbalance and may require further investigation of the load balancer and/or Pod configuration.
  • UAG Connection Trends: provides a trend analysis chart of a UAG by the number of Connected Sessions. Allows for quick identification of UAGs near the Connected Session maximum limits (2000), as well as the overall balance of the sessions per UAG.

Horizon Pod Widgets

  • Horizon Pod Route Latency (Avg): provides a distribution of the avg Horizon Pod latency for all Connection Servers determined by the Telegraf Ping Check feature.
  • Horizon Pod Route Packet Loss (Avg): provides a distribution of the avg Horizon Pod packet loss for all Connection Servers determined by the Telegraf Ping Check feature.
  • Horizon Pod Route Performance (telegraf Ping Check): provides a trendline of all Horizon Pods by the configured network route performance (latency, packet loss).
Note: For these widgets to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the Connection Server, and configure the Ping Check metric to the desired network target for monitoring.

Horizon Connection Server Widgets

  • Connection Server Route Latency: provides a distribution of the Horizon Connection Server latency for all Connection Servers determined by the Telegraf Ping Check feature.
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the Connection Server, and configure the Ping Check metric to the desired network target for monitoring.
  • Connection Server Route Packet Loss: provides a distribution of the Horizon Connection Server packet loss for all Connection Servers determined by the Telegraf Ping Check feature.
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the Connection Server, and configure the Ping Check metric to the desired network target for monitoring.
  • Connection Server Net Route Performance (telegraf PING check): provides a trendline of all Horizon Connection Servers by the configured network route performance (latency, packet loss).
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the Connection Server, and configure the Ping Check metric to the desired network target for monitoring.
  • Connection Server HTTP Health Check (response should be 200): provides insight into the Connection Servers where the Horizon service is failing its Health Check. If the Health Check status shows a status of 500 or is colored red, this indicates the Horizon services on the Connection Server are in a failed state, and immediate steps should be taken to recover the services.
    Note: For this widget to work, you must install the Telegraf agent on the UAG VM, and the HTTP Check metric should be enabled and collecting.
  • Connection Server Connections Disparity % (should be < 30%): provides insight into potential session imbalance across the Connection Servers supporting the Horizon Pod. The higher the disparity percentage the more imbalance of sessions exists across the Connection Servers. This can be used to identify load-balancing issues or Connection Servers not accepting connection requests.
  • CS Connection Trend: provides a trend analysis chart of Connection Servers by the number of Connections. Allows for quick identification of Connection Servers near the Connected Session maximum limits (2000), as well as the overall balance of the sessions per Connection Server.

User/Pools/Farms Widgets

  • Horizon User Network Performance (protocol): provides a distribution of Horizon Users by the Network KPI (%) performance score. Performance scores are categorized from Blue (best score) to Red (Worst score). The User’s minimum Network KPI (%) score is reflected for an 8-hour period to quickly identify the Users that had Network performance issue within the configured time window.
  • VDI Pool Network Performance (protocol): provides a distribution of the VDI Pools by their overall Network KPI (%) performance score.
  • RDS Farm Network Performance (protocol): provides a distribution of the RDS Farms by their overall Network KPI (%) performance score.
  • RDS Host Connection Disparity %: provides a distribution of RDS Hosts based on the percent disparity of Connected Sessions between the RDS Hosts in the Farm. Allows for quick identification of RDS Hosts where the total disparity of Connected Sessions on the hosts is significantly higher than the Farm average per host. This is useful for identifying RDS Hosts that have an extreme low or high number of Connected Sessions compared to their Farm peers.