This dashboard gives an overall performance of the storage components of Desktop as a Service. It shows performance problems related to storage such as high latency, high outstanding IO, and low utilization. This dashboard is designed for all three roles (Horizon administrator, VMware administrator, and Storage administrator), with the goal of fostering close collaboration among the teams.

Design Consideration

This dashboard is designed as the entry point for all the dashboards and has URL links to many other dashboards.

For Performance Management, it also shows relevant information to direct you to the areas that need attention. The information is the worst (read: peak), making it suitable as part of your daily Standard Operating Procedure.

How to Use the Dashboard

The dashboard is organized into two sections for the ease of use.

  • The first row shows two scoreboards, covering configuration, inventory, capacity, and availability. Some of the numbers are URL links, clicking them opens another dashboard, giving the ability to drill down.

  • The second row covers performance. In addition to the scoreboard, there are distribution charts that provide an overview of the performance and are color coded.

Points to Note

The scoreboard does not pass context to the dashboard you are navigating into, it is just a URL link.

The dashboard shows both RDS and VDI. If you have only one of them, collapse the widgets you do not need, and expand the ones you need.