Read Timeout error message is thrown while trying to login to Horizon Server REST API or com.vmware.vrho.adapter.HorizonAdapter.onTest - Exception occured while testing the adapter instance or com.vmware.vrho.adapter.utils.exceptions.HorizonAdapterRuntimeException: Invalid User Credential.


Login to Horizon Server REST API failed.


  1. Verify the Horizon Rest API access using the following steps:
    1. Enter https://{Horizon-Connection-Server-URL}/rest/swagger-ui.html URL.
    2. Click Auth Section.
    3. Click POST /login API.
    4. Click Try It Out.
    5. Replace AD-TEST-DOMAIN with the domain name, <password> with Password, and Administrator with the actual values providing to the adapter.
    6. Click Execute.
      "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyLXNpZCI6IlMtMS01LTIxLT...............", 
      "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VyLXNpZCI6IlMtMS01LTIxLTM0MDkw............" 
  2. If the server not responding with 200 code and not reporting the permission issues, please follow the below steps:
    1. Traverse to the location "<INSTALLDIR>\VMware\VMware View\Server\broker\webapps" in non-working CS.
    2. Delete the rest folder.
    3. Restart the connection server.
  3. If the issue is not resolved after step 2, contact the Horizon support team to resolve issue with rest API connectivity.