The VMware Aria Operations Management Pack for Horizon collects metrics for objects within its plug-ins.

Table 1. VMware Aria Operations Management Pack for Horizon Metrics
Resource Name Metric Group Metric Key Description
Horizon Adapter Instance Last Collection Time Time at which the last collection happened for all collectors
Last Event Time Time at which the last collection happened for events
Performance Statistics Collection Duration Time taken to complete the Collection of selected Adapter Instance of VMware management pack for Horizon
Updated Relationships Number of updated Relationships per collection cycle
Number of Events Total Events collected from Event DB

Number of RDS Application Sessions Purged

Number of RDS application sessions purged based of the retention period configured

Number of RDS Desktop Sessions Purged

Number of RDS desktop sessions purged based of the retention period configured

Number of Users Purged

Number of users purged based of the retention period configured

Number of VDI Application Sessions Purged

Number of VDI application sessions purged based of the retention period configured

Number of VDI Desktop Sessions Purged

Number of VDI desktop sessions purged based of the retention period configured

Updated Relationships

Number of updated relationships per collection cycle
Data Collectors /Execution Time Application Pool Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Application Pools
Application Pool Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Application Pool Details
Application Session Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Application Session Details.
Application Session Resource Collector Average time taken to receive response from Application Session Details API of Horizon
Average Application Session Details API Response Time Average time taken to receive response from Application Session Details API of Horizon
Average RDS Session Details API Response Time Average time taken to receive response from Average RDS Session Details API of Horizon
Average VDI Session Details API Response Time Average time taken to receive response from Average VDI Session Details API of Horizon
Average VDI Application Session Resource Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from VDI Application Session resource API of VMware Aria Operations
Average VDI Application Session metrics Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from VDI Application Session metrics API of VMware Aria Operations
Average RDS Application Session Resource Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from RDS Application Session resource API of VMware Aria Operations
Average RDS Application Session metrics Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from RDS Application Session metrics API of VMware Aria Operations
Average VDI Session Resource Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from VDI Session resource API of VMware Aria Operations
Average VDI Session metrics Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from VDI Session metrics API of VMware Aria Operations
Average RDS Session Resource Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from RDS Session resource API of VMware Aria Operations
Average RDS Session metrics Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from RDS Session metrics API of VMware Aria Operations
Average Virtual machine resource collection Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from Virtual machine resource API of VMware Aria Operations
Average RDS Host Resource Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from RDS Host Resource API of VMware Aria Operations
Average RDS Host metrics Operations API response time Average time taken to receive response from RDS Host metrics API of VMware Aria Operations
Connection Server Health Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Connection Server Health
Connection Server Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Connection Servers
Connection Server Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Connection Server resources from VMware Aria Operations
Connection Server Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Connection Server metrics from VMware Aria Operations
Desktop Pool Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Desktop Pool Details
Desktop Pool List Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Desktop Pools
Desktop VM Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Desktop VMs
Horizon Virtual Center Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Virtual Centres
Horizon World Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon World
Host or Cluster Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Hosts or Clusters
Pod Federation Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Pod Federations
Pod Health Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Pod Health
Pod Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Pods
RDS Farm Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon RDS Farm Details
RDS Farm List Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon RDS Farms
RDS Host List Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon RDS Hosts
RDS Session Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon RDS Session Details
RDS Session Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon RDS Sessions
Session Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon User Sessions
Site Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Sites
User Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Users Details
Users Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Users
vCenter Resources Collector Time taken to complete the collection of VMware Aria Operations vCenter Resources
VDI Session Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon VDI Session Details
Virtual Center Health List Resource Collector ime taken to complete the collection of Horizon Virtual Center Health
Virtual Machine Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Virtual Machine
RDS Session Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon RDS Session Details
RDS Session Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon RDS Session Details
VDI Session Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon VDI Session Details
VDI Session Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon VDI Session Details
Event Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Events
Event Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Events
Event Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Events
Gateway Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Gateway Info
RDS Application Session Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Application Session resources from VMware Aria Operations
RDS Application Session Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Application Session metrics from VMware Aria Operations
VDI Application Session Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of VDI Application Session resources from VMware Aria Operations
VDI Application Session Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of VDI Application Session metrics from VMware Aria Operations
Horizon Adapter Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Adapter resources from VMware Aria Operations
RDS Farm Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Farm resources from VMware Aria Operations
RDS Farm Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Farm metrics from VMware Aria Operations
RDS Host Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Host resources from VMware Aria Operations
RDS Host Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Host metrics from VMware Aria Operations
RDS Session Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Session resources from VMware Aria Operations
RDS Session Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of RDS Session metrics from VMware Aria Operations
VDI Session Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of VDI Session resources from VMware Aria Operations
VDI Session Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of VDI Session metrics from VMware Aria Operations
Virtual Machine Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Virtual Machine resources from VMware Aria Operations
VDI Pool Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of VDI Pool resources from VMware Aria Operations
VDI Pool Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of VDI Pool metrics from VMware Aria Operations
Event Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Event Details
Event Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Event Details
Event Details Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of Horizon Event Details
Average Event Query Response Time Average time taken to receive response from Event Query API of Horizon
UAG Operations Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of UAG resources from VMware Aria Operations
UAG Operations Stat Collector Time taken to complete the collection of UAG resources from VMware Aria Operations.
Certificate SSO Connector Health Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of True SSO Connector resources.Number 956=SAML Authenticator Collector.
SAML Authenticator Collector Time taken to complete the collection of SAML Authenticator resources.
SAML Authenticator Health Resource Collector Time taken to complete the collection of SAML Authenticator Health resources.
Data Processors / Execution Time Application Pool Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Application Pool Metrics
Application Session to Children Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Application Session to Children Relationships
Application Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Application Session Metrics
Application Session to Application Pool Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Application Session to Application Pool Relationships
Connection Server Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Connection Server Metrics
Connection Server to VM Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Connection Servers to VMs Relationships
Horizon World Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Horizon World Relationships
Orphaned Entity Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Orphaned Entity Metrics
Pod Federation to Site Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Pod Federation to Site Relationships Processor
Pod Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Pod Metrics
Pod to Connection Server Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Pod to Connection Server Relationships
Pod to vCenter Adapter Instance Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Pod to vCenter Adapter Instance Relationships
RDS Desktop Pool Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Desktop Pool Metrics
RDS Farm Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Farm Metrics
RDS Farm Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Farm Relationships
RDS Farm to Application Pool Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Farm to Application Pool Relationships
RDS Farm to Pool Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Farm to Pool Relationships
RDS Farm to Server Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Farm to Server Relationships
RDS Host Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Host Metrics
RDS Host to VM Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Host to VM Relationships
RDS Pool to RDS Session Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Pool to RDS Session Relationships
RDS Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Session Metrics
RDS Session to RDS Host Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Session to RDS Host Relationships
Site to Pod Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Site to Pod Relationships
User Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of User Metrics
User to Application Session Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of User to Application Session Relationships
User to Entitlement Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of User to Entitlement Relationships
User to RDS Session Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of User to RDS Session Relationships
VDI Pool Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Pool Metrics
VDI Pool Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Pool Relationships
VDI Pool to Application Pool Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Pool to Application Pool Relationships
VDI Pool to Entitlement Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Pool to Entitlement Relationships
VDI Pool to VM Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Pool To VM Relationships
VDI Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Session Metrics
VDI Session to VM Relationships Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Session to VM Relationships
Application Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Application Session Metrics
Application Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of Application Session Metrics
RDS Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Session Metrics
RDS Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of RDS Session Metrics
VDI Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Session Metrics
VDI Session Metrics Processor Time taken to complete the processing of VDI Session Metrics
UAG to Application Session Relationship Processor Time taken to complete the processing of UAG to Application Session Relationships
UAG to Connection Server Relationship Processor Time taken to complete the processing of UAG to Connection Server Relationships
UAG to RDS Session Relationship Processor Time taken to complete the processing of UAG to RDS Session Relationships
UAG to VDI Session Relationship Processor Time taken to complete the processing of UAG to VDI Session Relationships
UAG to VM Relationship Processor Time taken to complete the processing of UAG to VM Relationships
UAG Metric Processor Time taken to complete the processing of UAG Metrics
Horizon VDI Pool Capacity Number of Available Desktops The number of available desktops in a ready to connect to state. If this number reaches 0, additional desktops will need to be created to support more user sessions
Number of Connected Desktops Number of Connected Desktop VMs
Number of Disconnected Desktops Number of DisConnected Desktop VMs
Number of VDI Sessions Number of active VDI Sessions in the Pool
Application Session Count Number of active Application Sessions in the Pool.
Usable Capacity Capacity Available in Percentage
Used Capacity The percentage of desktops in a VDI Pool that are considered in use out of the total number of desktops. If Capacity Used = 100%, no additional desktops are available
Lowest Available Desktops Lowest number of available desktops in a 30 day period. Can be used to determine if the configured pool desktop capacity is sufficient
Maximum Desktops Used Maximum number of concurrent desktops in use in a 30 day period. Can be compared against the Lowest Available Desktops count to determine if the configured pool desktop capacity is sufficient
Datastore Available Capacity (GB) Free Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Availability Number of desktops in Bad State Sum of all desktops in the pool that are not in ready or used state. Desktops that have problem should be 0 most of the time
Pool Availability Factor

Determines if the current available desktops is considered a risk based on the configured size of the pool. Provides a single metric to alert on availability across all pools regardless of size​

Summary Number Of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources
Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Total Price The total price for all VDI Desktops in the Pool.
Performance Worst 5th Percentile Network The lowest session NW KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the VDI sessions in the pod
Worst 5th Percentile DC KPI The lowest Session DC KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the VDI sessions for desktop pool
Worst 5th Percentile Network KPI The lowest Session NW KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the VDI sessions for desktop pool
Session Worst time taken to load profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the user sessions
Worst time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login to the desktop among all users in the VDI Pool
CPU Sessions with CPU Queue Length The percentage of sessions with CPU Queue Length above 2 per vCPU
Sessions with CPU Ready The percentage of sessions with CPU Ready above 2.5%
Worst CPU Co-stop Highest CPU Co-stop from all sessions. Keep this number below 2.5%
Worst CPU Queue Length Highest CPU Queue from all active sessions. Keep this number below 3 queue per vCPU
Worst CPU Ready Highest CPU Ready from VDI Sessions. Keep this number below 2.5%
Number of Sessions with High CPU Utilization Count of Sessions where CPU Usage > 95%. Expect this number to be minimal. Note that high performance typically requires high utilization
Utilization The total CPU Usage in Ghz of all the VMs in a VDI Pool
Total Capacity The size of the VDI Pool capacity in terms of CPU resources
Worst Context Switch The worst CPU Context Switch among all the RDS Hosts in the farm. Ensure this is within the threshold you see during baselining exercise
Active Session CPU Utilization CPU Utilization calculated from the underlying active Sessions
Average CPU per Desktop Session The average CPU utilization in GHz per Horizon Desktop Session in the VDI Pool.
Average CPU per Application Session The average CPU utilization in GHz per Horizon Application Session in the VDI Pool.
Memory Average Memory per Desktop Session The average Memory utilization in GB per Horizon Desktop Session in the VDI Pool.
Average Memory per Application Session The average Memory utilization in GB per Horizon Application Session in the VDI Pool.
Sessions with Memory Contention The percentage of sessions with memory contention above 1%
Worst Memory Contention Highest Memory Contention from all Sessions. Keep this number below 1%
Lowest free Memory among Sessions Lowest free Memory among Sessions
Worst Memory Page In Rate Highest Memory page-in rate from all active sessions
Number of Sessions with Low Available Memory Count of Sessions with Available Memory < 500 MB. Expect this number to be minimal for ideal performance
Utilization The total memory used in GB across all of the VMs in the VDI Pool
Total Capacity The size of the VDI Pool capacity in terms of memory resources
Protocol Sessions with Protocol Latency The percentage of sessions with Protocol Latency above 50ms
Sessions with Protocol transmit dropped packet The percentage of sessions with Protocol transmit dropped packet above 0.5%
Sessions with Protocol receive dropped packet The percentage of sessions with Protocol receive dropped packet above 0.5%
Lowest Frame rate The lowest number among all the active sessions frame rate counter. A low frame rate result in inferior user experience. Used this to track if any of the session is running on low frame rate. While occasional low is fine, a prolonged low could lead to degraded user experience
Average Frame Rate The average of frame rate of all active sessions. A low frame rate result in inferior user experience
Worst Protocol Latency The percentage of sessions with Protocol Latency above 50 ms
Worst Protocol Transmit Packet Loss Highest Horizon Protocol Transmitted Packet Loss from all active sessions
Worst Protocol Receive Packet Loss Highest Horizon Protocol Received Packet Loss from all active sessions
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Latency Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) latency > 180 ms. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Receive Loss Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet transmit loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Transmit Loss. Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet receive loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Average Bandwidth Transmit Utilization The average of bandwidth transmit utilization of all active sessions in the farm. Sessions include both Desktop and App Sessions. Use this number as input for bandwidth capacity planning
Total Bandwidth Transmit Utilization The total of bandwidth transmit utilization of all active sessions in the farm. Sessions include both Desktop and App Sessions. Use this number as input for bandwidth capacity planning
Disk Sessions with Disk Latency The percentage of sessions with Disk Latency above 20 ms%
Sessions with Disk Queue Length The percentage of sessions with Disk Queue Length above 10
Worst vDisk Latency Highest VM virtual disk latency from all active Session. Aim for this number to be below 10 ms.
Worst Disk Queue Highest Microsoft Windows Disk Queue from all active Sessions. The queue length indicates the number of IO that are not yet processed
Number of Sessions with High Disk Latency Count of Sessions with Disk Latency > 15 ms. Expect this number to be minimal, especially on SSD-backed storage
Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI Pools I/O operations per second. It includes both Reads and Writes
Read Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI Pools I/O operations per second. It includes only Read operations
Number of Write Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI Pools I/O operations per second. It includes only Write operations
Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI Pools disk throughput. It includes both Reads and Writes
Read Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI Pools disk throughput. It includes only Reads
Write Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI Pools disk throughput. It includes only Writes
Worst Outstanding IO The highest disk outstanding IO among all the sessions in the pool. Keep this number below best practice
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest VM virtual disk read latency from all active sessions
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest VM virtual disk write latency from all active sessions
Average Disk IO per Desktop Session The average Disk IO in IOPS per Horizon Desktop Session in the VDI Pool.
Average Disk IO per Application Session The average Disk IO in IOPS per Horizon Application Session in the VDI Pool.
Performance Datacenter KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the datacenter segment, as opposed to the network. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Network KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the network segment of session, as opposed to the datacenter. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Worst datacenter among Sessions Lowest Datacenter KPI from all sessions. Aim for this number to be in the green range (75% - 100%)
Number of Sessions with Red DatacenterKPI he number of Sessions with Datacenter KPI value falling within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of Sessions with Network KPI value falling within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Lowest Network KPI among Sessions Lowest Network KPI among Sessions
Summary / Oversized Memory Values that represent how much is the resources like cpu, memory etc oversized
Virtual CPUs Number of additional vCPUs used than Allocated
Memory Values that represent how much is the resources like cpu, memory etc undersized
Summary / Undersized Virtual CPUs Number of additional vCPUs required on this pool for this User
Summary / Oversized Over Sized Users Number of users having over-sized Memory or vCPUs
Summary / Undersized Under Sized Users Number of users having under-sized Memory or vCPUs
Configuration Desktop Memory Size Average Memory size of a Desktop in the VDI Pool
Desktop CPU Size Average CPU size of a Desktop in the VDI Pool
Cost Average Daily Cost

The average cost per desktop in a pool per day

Average Monthly Cost

The average month to date cost per desktop in the pool

Average Monthly Projected Cost

The average projected cost per desktop in the pool per month

Daily Total Cost

The total cost of all desktops in the pool per day

Monthly Projected Cost

The total projected cost of all desktops in the pool per month

Monthly Total Cost

The total month to date cost of all the desktops in the pool

VDI Pool Image Standardization Desktop Image Mismatch Number of machines having mismatch of snapshots with the VDI pool
Horizon RDS Desktop Pool Summary Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources
Horizon RDS Farm Datastore (Only for Automated Farm) Available Capacity (GB) Free Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Capacity Number of Sessions Remaining Number of additional sessions that can be created on the Farm.
99th Percentile of Number of Sessions Remaining 99th Percentile of number of sessions remaining considering sample data for a month
Average Session CPU Usage The average among all the RDS Session's CPU utilization. Used in capacity management
Average Session Memory Usage The average among all the RDS Session's Memory utilization. Used in capacity management
Number of Sessions Over Committed on CPU Number of Sessions Over Committed on CPU
Number of Sessions Over Committed on Memory Number of Sessions Over Committed on Memory
RDS Host Remaining RDS Host Remaining
Total CPU Usage Total CPU Usage
Total Memory Usage Total Memory Usage
Performance CPU Usage per RDS Host The average Usage of CPU per host in the farm
Memory Usage per RDS Host The average Usage of Memory per host in the farm
Worst 5th Percentile DC KPI The lowest Session DC KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the RDS Hosts
Worst 5th Percentile Network KPI The lowest Session NW KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the RDS sessions for farm
Datacenter KPI Average Datacenter KPI from all the RDS Hosts in the farm. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Network KPI Average Network KPI from all the RDS and Application Sessions from Farm. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Worst Datacenter KPI among Sessions Lowest Datacenter KPI from all active RDS Hosts. Aim for this number to be in the green range (75% - 100%)
Number of Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of Sessions with Network KPI value falling within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Lowest Network KPI among Sessions Lowest Network KPI among Sessions
Number of RDS Hosts with Red Datacenter KPI The number of RDS Host with Datacenter KPI value falling within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Availability Number of RDS Hosts in Bad State Sum of all RDS Hosts in the farm that is not in ready or used state. RDS Hosts that have problem should be 0 most of the time
Session Worst time taken to load profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the user sessions in the Farm
Worst time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login among all the user sessions in the Farm
CPU Peak CPU Utilization among RDS Hosts Peak CPU Utilization among RDS Hosts
Usage disparity among RDS Hosts CPU Usage Disparity among RDS Hosts
Worst CPU Co-stop among RDS Hosts Highest CPU Co-stop from all RDS Hosts. Keep this number below 2.5%
Worst CPU Queue Length among RDS Hosts Highest CPU Queue from all RDS Hosts. Keep this number below 3 queue per vCPU
Worst CPU Ready among RDS Hosts Highest CPU Ready from all RDS Hosts. Keep this number below 2.5%
Number of RDS Hosts with high CPU utilization Count of RDS Hosts with CPU Usage > 95%. Expect this number to be minimal. Note that high performance typically requires high utilization
Total Utilization The total CPU Usage in Ghz of all the VMs in the RDS Farm
Worst Context Switch he worst CPU Context Switch among all the RDS Hosts in the farm. Ensure this is within the threshold you see during baselining exercise
Memory Lowest free Memory among RDS Hosts Lowest free Memory among RDS Hosts
Usage disparity among RDS Hosts Usage disparity among RDS Hosts
Worst Memory Contention Highest Memory Contention from all RDS Hosts. Keep this number below 1%
Worst Page-in rate Highest Memory page-in rate from all active RDS Hosts
Number of RDS Hosts with low available Memory Count of RDS Hosts with Available Memory < 500 MB. Expect this number to be minimal for ideal performance
Total Utilization The total memory used in GB across all of the VMs in the RDS Farm
Disk Worst vDisk Latency Highest VM virtual disk latency from all active RDS Hosts. Aim for this number to be below 10 ms.
Read Disk IOPS Sum of all RDS Farms I/O operations per second. It includes only Read operations
Write Disk IOPS Sum of all RDS Farms I/O operations per second. It includes only Write operations
Read Disk Throughput Sum of all RDS Farms disk throughput. It includes only Reads
Write Disk Throughput Sum of all RDS Farms disk throughput. It includes only Writes
Worst Disk Queue Highest Microsoft Windows Disk Queue from all active RDS Hosts. The queue length indicates the number of IO that are not yet processed
Disk IOPS Sum of all RDS I/O operations per second. It includes both Reads and Writes. Investigate if this becomes excessive.
Disk Throughput Sum of Disk Throughput of all RDS Hosts in the farm.
Number of RDS Hosts with high Disk latency Count of RDS Hosts with Disk Latency > 15 ms. Expect this number to be minimal, especially on SSD-backed storage
Worst Outstanding IO The highest disk outstanding IO among all the RDS Hosts. Keep this number below best practice
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest read latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest write latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms
Cost Average Daily Cost

The average cost per RDS host in the farm per day

Average Monthly Cost

The average month to date cost per RDS host in the farm

Average Monthly Projected Cost

The average projected cost per RDS host in the farm per month

Daily Total Cost

The total cost of all RDS hosts in the farm per day

Monthly Projected Cost

The total projected cost of all RDS hosts in the farm per month

Monthly Total Cost

The total month to date cost of all the RDS hosts in the farm

Average Daily Cost

The average cost per RDS host in the farm per day

RDS Farm Image Standardization RDS Host Image Mismatch Number of RDS host having mismatch of snapshots with the RDS farm
Protocol Lowest Frame rate The lowest number among all the active sessions frame rate counter. A low frame rate result in inferior user experience. Used this to track if any of the session is running on low frame rate. While occasional low is fine, a prolonged low could lead to degraded user experience
Average Frame rate The average of frame rate of all active sessions. A low frame rate result in inferior user experience
Worst Protocol Latency Highest Horizon Protocol latency from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently. Keep this number below 180 ms
Worst Protocol Transmit Packet Loss Highest Horizon Protocol Transmitted Packet Loss from all active sessions
Worst Protocol Receive Packet Loss Highest Horizon Protocol Received Packet Loss from all active sessions
Number of RDS Sessions with High Protocol Latency Count of RDS Sessions with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) latency > 180 ms. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0.
Number of RDS Sessions with High Protocol Packet Transmit Loss Count of RDS Sessions with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet transmit loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Number of RDS Sessions with High Protocol Packet Receive Loss Count of RDS Sessions with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet receive loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Average Bandwidth Transmit Utilization The average of bandwidth transmit utilization of all active sessions in the farm. Sessions include both Desktop and App Sessions. Use this number as input for bandwidth capacity planning
Total Bandwidth Transmit Utilization The total of bandwidth transmit utilization of all active sessions in the farm. Sessions include both Desktop and App Sessions. Use this number as input for bandwidth capacity planning
Summary Sessions per RDS Host The average number of sessions per host in the farm. Compare this with the plan. If the reality differs with the plan, adjust accordingly
Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state on RDS Host
Number of Disconnected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in disconnected state on RDS Host
Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources
Total Price The total price for all RDS Hosts in the Farm.
Horizon Application Pool Summary Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources.
CPU Average Utilization The average number of all the session's CPU usage.
Horizon RDS Host Utilization Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources.
Summary Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state on RDS Host.
Number of Disconnected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in disconnected state on RDS Host.
RDS Host Session Disparity The % difference of RDS Host session count against the RDS Farms "RDS Sessions per Host" average. Disparity > 30% indicates the RDS host has an abnormal workload and requires further analysis as to the cause.
Total Price The total price for the RDS Host.
Performance CPU Usage disparity among RDS Hosts The % difference between the Farm average RDS Host CPU % workload and the individual RDS Host CPU % workload. Disparity > 30% indicates the RDS host has an abnormal workload and requires further analysis as to the cause.
Memory Usage disparity among RDS Hosts The % difference between the Farm average RDS Host Memory workload and the individual RDS Host Memory workload. Disparity > 30 % indicates the RDS Host has an abnormal workload and requires further analysis as to the cause.
Datacenter KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the datacenter segment, as opposed to the network. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
CPU Co-stop If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Co-Stop among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable due to co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value.
Ready If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Ready among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance.
IO Wait If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU IO Wait among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem.
Usage CPU Usage divided by VM CPU Configuration in MHz.
Run Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Run Queue among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core bottleneck
Utilization Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage not the guest operating system view.
Configured Capacity Configured Capacity in GHz, based on nominal (static) frequency of the CPU
Context Switch If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Context Switch Rate, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the rate at which Operating System processes running in a CPU are loaded and unloaded. As context switch is an overhead cost, a high number will impact the application performance. The number varies per application so profile your environment to baseline the expected range.
Overlap Percentage of time where the VM was interrupted by hypervisor as it needs to perform system services on behalf of that VM or other VMs.
Memory Available Memory Available memory on the guest OS computed as a sum of guest memory standby core, guest memory standby normal, guest memory standby reserve and guest memory free counters from the virtual machine.
Page In Rate The rate at which memory pages are paged in. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS does not have enough cache. This can cause performance problem for memory intensive application.
Contention If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Memory Contention, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the amount of time, in percentage, the VM CPU is waiting for memory to be brought in. Keep this number below 1%.
Utilization Amount of memory utilized by the Virtual Machine. Reflects the guest OS memory required (for certain vSphere and VMTools versions) or Virtual Machine consumption.
Configured Capacity Memory resources allocated to the Virtual Machine.
Page Out Rate per second The rate at which memory pages are paged out. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS is under memory pressure. It's a capacity, not performance metric.
Disk Disk Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Disk Queue Length, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress.
Latency If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest latency among any of the virtual disks, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the weighted average of read latency and write latency.
Disk IOPS Number of read/write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Read Disk IOPS Number of read operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Write Disk IOPS Number of write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Disk Throughput Amount of data read from/written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Read Disk Throughput Amount of data read from storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Write Disk Throughput Amount of data written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest read latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest write latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Outstanding IO Amount of disk Input or Output commands waiting in the queue to be executed. High IO, coupled with high latency, impacts performance. This number should be below the queue depth of the OS.
Cost Effective Daily Cost Effective Daily cost of RDS Host.
Monthly Effective Projected Total Cost RDS Host cost projected for a full month.
MTD Total Cost Month To Date cost of RDS Host.
Horizon Pod Utilization Number of Connected Users Number of users who have atleast one connected session at present
Number of Users The number of users who have at least one connected or disconnected session at present
Number of DisConnected Users Number of users who have only disconnected sessions
Performance Worst 5th Percentile Datacenter KPI The lowest Session DC KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the VDI sessions in the pod
Worst 5th Percentile UAG Servers Datacenter KPI The lowest Session DC KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the Unified Access Gateways in the pod
Worst 5th Percentile Connection Servers Datacenter KPI The lowest Session DC KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the Connection Servers in the pod
Worst 5th Percentile Farms Datacenter KPI The lowest Session DC KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the RDS Hosts in the pod
CPU Usage per Connection Server The average Usage of CPU per Connection server in the Horizon Pod
Memory Usage per Connection Server The average Usage of Memory per Connection server in the Horizon Pod
Worst 5th Percentile Farms Network KPI The lowest Session DC KPI value after removing the worst 5% values in the series. Based on all the RDS sessions in the pod
Datacenter KPI Average Datacenter KPI from all the RDS Hosts,VDI Sessions and Application Sessions from VDI Pools in the Pod. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Network KPI Average Network KPI from all the VDI, RDS and Application Sessions in the Pod. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Number of VDI Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of VDI Sessions with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of VDI Sessions with Red Datacenter KPI The number of VDI Sessions with Datacenter KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of VDI Pools with Red Network KPI The number of VDI Pools with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of VDI Pools with Red Datacenter KPI The number of VDI Pools with Datacenter KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of Application Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of Application Sessions with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of RDS Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of RDS Sessions (App or Desktop) with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0

Average Latency of Pod to Route

Average latency of pod to configured Telegraf device

Average Packet Loss of Pod to Route

Average packet loss of pod to configured Telegraf network device

Worst Latency of Pod to Route

Worst latency of pod to configured Telegraf device

Worst Packet Loss of Pod to Route

Worst packet loss of pod to configured Telegraf network device

Summary Available Capacity Free Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Number of Unhealthy Connection Servers Number of Unhealthy Connection Servers under the Pod
Connections per Connection Server Average Connections per Connection Server used across the Horizon Pod. This should be compared against the Connection Disparity metric of Connection Servers.
Number of VDI Pools The number of VDI Pools in the inventory at present
Number of RDS Desktop Pools The number of RDS Desktop Pools in the inventory at present
Number of Application Pools The number of Application Pools in the inventory at present
Session Worst time taken to load profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the user sessions.
Worst time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login to the desktop among all users in the VDI Pool
Configuration Number of Desktops in bad state Sum of all desktops in the pool that is not in ready or used state. Desktops that have problem should be 0 most of the time.
Number of RDS Hosts in Bad State Sum of all RDS Hosts in the farm that is not in ready or used state. RDS Hosts that have problem should be 0 most of the time
Disk Number of VDI Sessions with High Disk Latency Count of VDI Sessions with Disk Latency > 15 ms. Expect this number to be minimal, especially on SSD-backed storage.
Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts I/O operations per second. It includes both Reads and Writes. Investigate if this becomes excessive.
Read Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts I/O operations per second. It includes only Read operations. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Write Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts I/O operations per second. It includes only Write operations. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts disk throughput. It includes both Reads and Writes. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Read Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts disk throughput. It includes only Reads. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Write Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts disk throughput. It includes only Writes. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Memory Number of VDI Sessions with Low Available Memory Count of VDI Sessions with Available Memory < 500 MB. Expect this number to be minimal for ideal performance.
Utilization Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts Memory Utilization
Total Capacity Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts capacity that are part of Horizon
CPU Number of VDI Sessions with High CPU Utilization Count of VDI Sessions where CPU Usage > 95%. Expect this number to be minimal. Note that high performance typically requires high utilization
Utilization Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts CPU Utilization
Total Capacity Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts capacity that are part of Horizon
Protocol Number of Sessions with High Protocol Latency Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) latency > 180 ms. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Loss Transmit Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet transmit loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Loss Receive Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet receive loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Summary Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources
Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state
Number of disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to.
Number of Connection Servers Enabled Number of Connection Servers Enabled
Number of Connection Servers The number of Horizon Connection Servers in the Pod. It counts any server regardless of operational status as long as it is registered with the Pod
Number of Managed vCenter Servers Number of vCenter Servers hosting the Horizon Pod
Horizon License Usage

Active Applications (current)

The number of concurrent applications sessions in the inventory at present

Active Applications (highest)

The maximum number of concurrent applications sessions in the inventory at present

Active Collaboration Sessions (current)

The number of sessions where a session owner has invited one or more users for session collaboration in the inventory at present

Active Collaborations Sessions (highest)

The maximum number of sessions where a session owner has invited one or more users for session collaboration in the inventory at present

Active Full VM (current)

The number of concurrent sessions for full virtual machines in the inventory at present

Active Full VM (highest)

The maximum number of concurrent sessions for full virtual machines in the inventory at present

Active Other Sources (current)

The number of concurrent sessions for unmanaged machines in the inventory at present

Active Other Sources (highest)

The maximum number of concurrent sessions for unmanaged machines in the inventory at present

Active Total Collaborators (current)

The total number of users connected to a collaborative session, including the session owner and any collaborators in the inventory at present

Active Total Collaborators (highest)

The maximum number of users connected to a collaborative session, including the session owner and any collaborators in the inventory at present

Total Concurrent Connections (current)

Concurrent connection user count in the inventory at present

Total Concurrent Connections (highest)

Maximum concurrent connection user count in the inventory at present

Total Named Users (current)

The number of unique users that have accessed the Horizon environment since the Horizon deployment was first configured or since the Last Named User Count reset in the inventory at present

Total Remote (current)

The total number of remote sessions in the inventory at present

Total Remote (highest)

The maximum number of remote sessions in the inventory

Horizon Site Summary Number of VDI Pools The number of VDI Pools in the Site at present
Number of RDS Desktop Pools The number of RDS Desktop Pools in the Site at present
Number of Application Pools The number of Application Pools in the Site at present
Number of Datastores Number of the vSphere Datastores
Capacity Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Available Capacity Free Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources
Number of Unhealthy Connection Servers Number of Unhealthy Connection Servers under the Site
Number of Connection Servers The number of Connection Servers in the Site at present.
Number of Pods The number of pods in the Site at present.
Number of Farms Then number of RDS Farms in the Site at present
Number of RDS Hosts The number of RDS Hosts in the Site at present.
Availability Number of TrueSSO Connector Errors Count of Horizon Pods with TrueSSO Connector Status not OK.
Number of Horizon pods with TrueSSO Disabled Count of Horizon Pods with TrueSSO Disabled.
Performance Datacenter KPI Average Datacenter KPI from all the RDS Hosts,VDI Sessions and Application Sessions from VDI Pools in the Site. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Network KPI Average Network KPI from all the VDI, RDS and Application Sessions in the Site. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Configuration Number of Desktops in Bad State Sum of all desktops in the pool that is not in ready or used state. Desktops that have problem should be 0 most of the time.
Number of RDS Hosts in Bad State Sum of all RDS Hosts in the farm that is not in ready or used state. RDS Hosts that have problem should be 0 most of the time
Utilization Number of Users The number of users who have at least one connected or disconnected session at present
Number of Connected Users Number of users who have atleast one connected session at present.
Number of Disconnected Users Number of users who have only disconnected sessions.
Horizon Cloud Pod Federation Summary Number of VDI Pools The number of VDI Pools in the Cloud Pod Federation at present
Number of RDS Desktop Pools The number of RDS Desktop Pools in the Cloud Pod Federation at present
Number of Application Pools The number of Application Pools in the Cloud Pod Federation at present
Number of Pods The present number of pods in the Cloud Pod
Number of Sites Number of Sites
Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state
Number of VDI Machines The number of VDI Virtual Machines in the Pod at present
Performance Datacenter KPI Average Datacenter KPI from all the RDS Hosts,VDI Sessions and Application Sessions from VDI Pools in the Pod. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Network KPI Average Network KPI from all the VDI, RDS and Application Sessions in the Pod. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Utilization Number of Connected Users Number of users who have atleast one connected session at present
Number of Disconnected Users Number of users who have only disconnected sessions
Number of Users The number of users who have at least one connected or disconnected session at present
Configuration Number of Desktops in Bad State Sum of all desktops in the pool that is not in ready or used state. Desktops that have problem should be 0 most of the time
Number of RDS Hosts in Bad State Sum of all RDS Hosts in the farm that is not in ready or used state. RDS Hosts that have problem should be 0 most of the time
Horizon World UAG Servers Datacenter KPI Average Datacenter KPI from all the Cloud Pod Federations. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Network KPI Average Network KPI from all the Cloud Pod Federations. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Number of UAG Servers with Red Network KPI The number of UAG Servers with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0.
Number of UAG Servers with Red Datacenter KPI The number of UAG Servers with Datacenter KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0.
Number of UAG Servers with High CPU Ready Count of UAG Serves where CPU Ready > 95%. Expect this number to be minimal. Note that high performance typically requires high utilization
Number of UAG Servers with Low Available Memory Count of UAG Servers with Available Memory < 500 MB. Expect this number to be minimal for ideal performance.
Number of UAG Servers with High Disk Latency Count of UAG Servers with Disk Latency > 15 ms. Expect this number to be minimal, especially on SSD-backed storage
Number of UAG Servers with High Protocol Packet Loss Transmit Count of UAG Servers with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet transmit loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0.
Number of UAG Servers with High Protocol Packet Loss Receive Count of UAG Servers with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet receive loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Summary Number of VDI Pools The number of VDI Pools in the inventory at present
Number of RDS Desktop Pools The number of RDS Desktop Pools in the inventory at present
Number of Application Pools The number of Application Pools in the inventory at present
Number of Datastores Number of the vSphere Datastores
Number of Unhealthy UAGs Number of Unhealthy UAGs under the Horizon World.
Number of Unhealthy Connection Servers Number of Unhealthy Connection Servers under Horizon World
Capacity Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Available Capacity Free Capacity of the Datastore in GB
Number of Pods The number of pods in the Horizon World at present
Number of RDS Farms The number of RDS Farms in the inventory at present
Number of RDS Hosts The number of RDS Hosts in the inventory at present
Number of Connection Servers The number of Horizon Connection Servers in the inventory. It counts any server regardless of operational status as long as it is registered with the Pod
Number of VDI Machines The number of VDI Virtual Machines in the inventory at present
Daily License Usage Count Capacity of the License being used by the User
Number of Orphaned Objects Number of Orphaned Objects in the Horizon World
Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources
Number of Sites Number of Sites
Number of UAG Servers The present number of Unified Access Gateway in the inventory. This should match the documented architecture or plan. If not, either update the documentation or the actual deployment
Number of Clusters Number of clusters in the World at present
Performance Datacenter KPI Average Datacenter KPI from all the Cloud Pod Federations. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Network KPI Average Network KPI from all the Cloud Pod Federations. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%)
Number of VDI Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of VDI Sessions with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of VDI Sessions with Red Datacenter KPI The number of VDI Sessions with Datacenter KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0.
Number of VDI Pools with Red Network KPI The number of VDI Pools with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0.
Number of VDI Pools with Red Datacenter KPI The number of VDI Pools with Datacenter KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of Pods with Red Datacenter KPI The number of Pod with Datacenter KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of Pods with Red Network KPI The number of Pod with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0.
Number of Farms with Red Datacenter KPI The number of RDS Farms with Datacenter KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0.
Number of Farms with Red Network KPI The number of RDS Farms with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0.
Number of Application Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of Application Sessions with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Number of RDS Sessions with Red Network KPI The number of VDI Pools with Network KPI value falls within the red range (0% - 25%). Expect this number to be 0
Configuration Number of Desktops in bad state Sum of all desktops in the pool that is not in ready or used state. Desktops that have problem should be 0 most of the time
Number of RDS Hosts in Bad State Sum of all RDS Hosts in the farm that is not in ready or used state. RDS Hosts that have problem should be 0 most of the time
CPU Number of VDI Sessions with High CPU Utilization Count of VDI Sessions where CPU Usage > 95%. Expect this number to be minimal. Note that high performance typically requires high utilization.
Utilization Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts CPU Utilization
Total Capacity Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts capacity that are part of Horizon
Disk Number of VDI Sessions with High Disk Latency Count of VDI Sessions with Disk Latency > 15 ms. Expect this number to be minimal, especially on SSD-backed storage
Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts I/O operations per second. It includes both Reads and Writes. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Read Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts I/O operations per second. It includes only Read operations. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Write Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts I/O operations per second. It includes only Write operations. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts disk throughput. It includes both Reads and Writes. Investigate if this becomes excessive.
Read Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts disk throughput. It includes only Reads. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Write Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts disk throughput. It includes only Writes. Investigate if this becomes excessive
Horizon License Usage

Active Applications (current)

The number of concurrent applications sessions in the inventory at present

Active Applications (highest)

The maximum number of concurrent applications sessions in the inventory at present

Active Collaboration Sessions (current)

The number of sessions where a session owner has invited one or more users for session collaboration in the inventory at present

Active Collaborations Sessions (highest)

The maximum number of sessions where a session owner has invited one or more users for session collaboration in the inventory at present

Active Full VM (current)

The number of concurrent sessions for full virtual machines in the inventory at present

Active Full VM (highest)

The maximum number of concurrent sessions for full virtual machines in the inventory at present

Active Other Sources (current)

The number of concurrent sessions for unmanaged machines in the inventory at present

Active Other Sources (highest)

The maximum number of concurrent sessions for unmanaged machines in the inventory at present

Active Total Collaborators (current)

The total number of users connected to a collaborative session, including the session owner and any collaborators in the inventory at present

Active Total Collaborators (highest)

The maximum number of users connected to a collaborative session, including the session owner and any collaborators in the inventory at present

Total Concurrent Connections (current)

Concurrent connection user count in the inventory at present

Total Concurrent Connections (highest)

Maximum concurrent connection user count in the inventory at present

Total Named Users (current)

The number of unique users that have accessed the Horizon environment since the Horizon deployment was first configured or since the Last Named User Count reset in the inventory at present

Total Remote (current)

The total number of remote sessions in the inventory at present

Total Remote (highest)

The maximum number of remote sessions in the inventory

Memory Number of VDI Sessions with Low Available Memory Count of VDI Sessions with Available Memory < 500 MB. Expect this number to be minimal for ideal performance.
Utilization Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts Memory Utilization
Total Capacity Sum of all VDI VMs and RDS Hosts capacity that are part of Horizon
Protocol Number of Sessions with High Protocol Latency Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) latency > 180 ms. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Loss Transmit Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet transmit loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Loss Receive Count of Sessions (both RDS & VDI) with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet receive loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0
Utilization Number of Users The number of users who have at least one connected or disconnected session at present.
Number of Connected Users Number of users who have atleast one connected session at present.
Number of Inactive Users Number of users who have connected to Horizon at least once but do not have connected or disconnected sessions at present
Number of Disconnected Users Number of users who have only disconnected sessions.
Number of Unique Users The total number of unique users who are active and inactive. If a user has more than 1 session, it will be counted as 1 only. For Eg: A user with 1 VDI session and 5 Application session is counted as 1.
Horizon Connection Server Summary Connection Disparity The % difference of Connections compared to Horizon Pod Average Connections per Connection Server. Disparity > 30% indicates the Connection Server has an abnormal workload and requires further analysis as to the cause
Connection Number of Connections The number of connections to this connection server
Maximum Allowed Number of Connections The maximum number of connections allowed for a connection server as per Horizon best practices
Connection Usage Connection Usage
Utilization Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources.
Performance CPU Usage Disparity Disparity of Connection Server CPU usage compared to the Pod Connection Server CPU usage Average
Memory Usage Disparity Disparity of Connection Server memory usage compared to the Pod Connection Server memory usage Average
Datacenter KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the datacenter segment, as opposed to the network. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Telegraf HTTP Health Check Status Http Response Code
HTTP Health Response Time Http Health Response Time
Route Latency Network latency to Telegraf configured device
Route Packet Loss Packet Loss to Telegraf configured device
Note: The Route Latency and Route Packet Loss metrics are avaiable only if the PingCheck setting is enabled while configuring the Horizon Connection Server.
CPU Co-stop If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Co-Stop among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable due to co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value.
Ready If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Ready among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance
IO Wait If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU IO Wait among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem
Usage CPU Usage divided by VM CPU Configuration in MHz
Run Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Run Queue among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core bottleneck.
Memory Available Memory Available memory on the guest OS computed as a sum of guest memory standby core, guest memory standby normal, guest memory standby reserve and guest memory free counters from the virtual machine.
CPU Page In Rate The rate at which memory pages are paged in. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS does not have enough cache. This can cause performance problem for memory intensive application
Contention If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Memory Contention, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the amount of time, in percentage, the VM CPU is waiting for memory to be brought in. Keep this number below 1%.
Page Out Rate per second The rate at which memory pages are paged out. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS is under memory pressure. It's a capacity, not performance metric.
Disk Disk Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Disk Queue Length, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress.
Latency If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest latency among any of the virtual disks, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the weighted average of read latency and write latency
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest read latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest write latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Horizon User Application CPU Average CPU utilization in percentage
Disk Average disk utilization in KB per second.
Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object.
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state.
Total Connected Session Time The total time a user remains connected in this Pool
Logout Timestamp The time at which the session on this Pool ends
RDS Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object
Logout Timestamp The time the session ends. Used for historical reporting on the User object.
Total Connected Session Time The total time a user remains connected out of all the sessions
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state.
Session Worst time taken to load profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the user sessions.
Worst time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login to the desktop among all users in the VDI Pool.
Application /CPU Co-stop If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Co-Stop among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable due to co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value
Ready If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Ready among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance
IO Wait If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU IO Wait among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem
Run Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Run Queue among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core bottleneck.
Usage CPU Usage divided by VM CPU Configuration in MHz.
Worst Co-stop Worst Co-stop among the Sessions
Worst IO Wait Worst IO Wait among the Sessions.
Worst CPU Queue Highest CPU Queue from all active VDI sessions. Keep this number below 3 queue per vCPU
Worst CPU Overlap Highest CPU Overlap from all sessions
Worst vCPU Ready The highest CPU Ready among the virtual CPU of the VM. Aim for this number below 2.5% for good user experience.
Application /Memory Contention If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Memory Contention, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the amount of time, in percentage, the VM CPU is waiting for memory to be brought in. Keep this number below 1%
Worst Page In Rate The highest Page In Rate among the Sessions
Available Memory Available memory on the guest OS computed as a sum of guest memory standby core, guest memory standby normal, guest memory standby reserve and guest memory free counters from the virtual machine.
Page In Rate The rate at which memory pages are paged in. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS does not have enough cache. This can cause performance problem for memory intensive application.
Page Out Rate per second The rate at which memory pages are paged out. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS is under memory pressure. It's a capacity, not performance metric.
Worst Contention Worst Contention among the Sessions
Worst Available Memory Worst Available Memory among the Sessions
Application /Disk Latency If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest latency among any of the virtual disks, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the weighted average of read latency and write latency
Disk Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Disk Queue Length, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress.
Worst Outstanding IO Highest disk outstanding IO from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently. Aim for this number to be below the underlying datastore disk queue length.
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest VM virtual disk write latency from all active sessions.
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest VM virtual disk read latency from all active sessions.
Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI Pools I/O operations per second. It includes both Reads and Writes
Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI Pools disk throughput. It includes both Reads and Writes.
Worst Disk Queue Worst Disk Queue among the Sessions.
VDI Desktop / Pool Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object.
Logout Timestamp Time at which the last collection happened for events.
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state.
Total Connected Session Time The total time a user remains connected in this Pool.
Is Oversized Oversized = 1, Not oversized = 0.
Is Undersized Undersized =1, Not undersized =0.
Recommended CPU CPU recommended by capacity model
Recommended Virtual CPUs Number of Virtual CPUs recommended by capacity model.
Recommended Memory Amount of Memory recommended by capacity model.
VDI Desktop / Pool / Oversized Memory Amount of additional Memory required on this pool for this User.
Virtual CPUs Number of additional vCPUs required on this pool for this User
Memory Amount of additional Memory than needed on this pool by this User.
Virtual CPUs Number of additional vCPUs than allocated used on this pool by this User.
VDI Desktop / CPU Co-stop If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Co-Stop among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable due to co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value.
Ready If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Ready among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance
IO Wait If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU IO Wait among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem
Run Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Run Queue among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core bottleneck.
Usage CPU Usage divided by VM CPU Configuration in MHz.
Worst Co-stop Worst Co-stop among the Sessions
Worst IO Wait Worst IO Wait among the Sessions.
Worst CPU Queue Highest CPU Queue from all active VDI sessions. Keep this number below 3 queue per vCPU
Worst CPU Overlap Highest CPU Overlap from all sessions
Worst vCPU Ready The highest CPU Ready among the virtual CPU of the VM. Aim for this number below 2.5% for good user experience.
Worst vCPU Usage The highest CPU utilization among the virtual CPU of the VM. An occasional high number is expected, but a prolonged high number coupled with CPU Run Queue and Context Switch can result in degraded user experience.
VDI Desktop / Memory Contention If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Memory Contention, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the amount of time, in percentage, the VM CPU is waiting for memory to be brought in. Keep this number below 1%
Page In Rate The rate at which memory pages are paged in. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS does not have enough cache. This can cause performance problem for memory intensive application.
Available Memory Available memory on the guest OS computed as a sum of guest memory standby core, guest memory standby normal, guest memory standby reserve and guest memory free counters from the virtual machine.
Worst Availabe Memory Worst Available Memory among the Sessions
Worst Page In Rate The highest Page In Rate among the Sessions
Worst Contention Worst Contention among the Sessions
Page Out Rate per second The rate at which memory pages are paged out. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS is under memory pressure. It's a capacity, not performance metric.
VDI Desktop / Disk Disk Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Disk Queue Length, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress.
Latency If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest latency among any of the virtual disks, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the weighted average of read latency and write latency
Worst Disk Queue Worst Disk Queue among the Sessions.
Worst Outstanding IO Highest disk outstanding IO from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently. Aim for this number to be below the underlying datastore disk queue length.
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest VM virtual disk write latency from all active sessions.
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest VM virtual disk read latency from all active sessions.
Disk IOPS Sum of all VDI Pools I/O operations per second. It includes both Reads and Writes
Disk Throughput Sum of all VDI Pools disk throughput. It includes both Reads and Writes.
Protocol Latency The time taken for Horizon protocol packets to reach destination. While related, it is not the same with protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) latency. It's a normalized average of transmit and receive packets.
Frame Rate The frequency of screen frame change per second. Higher refresh rates results in smoother visual but it requires more bandwidth.
packet Loss Transmit The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Client or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Packet Loss Receive The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Agent or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Worst Latency Worst Latency from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently.
Worst Frame Rate Worst Frame Rate from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently.
Worst Packet Loss Transmit Highest transmitted packet loss from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently. Keep this number below 1%.
Worst Packet Loss Receive Worst Packet Loss Receive from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently.
RDS CPU Usage The session CPU consumption relative to the RDS Host size. This is not the total RDS Host usage.
RDS / Pool Login Timestamp The actual time the session starts. Used for historical reporting on the User object.
Total Connected Session Time The total time a user remains connected in this Pool.
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state.
Logout Timestamp The time the session ends. Used for historical reporting on the User object.
Performance Worst KPI Worst value of VDI Session and RDS Session and Application Session, where VDI Session = Average (Datacenter KPI + Network KPI).
Worst Datacenter KPI Lowest Datacenter KPI from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently. Aim for this number to be in the green range (75% - 100%)
Worst Network KPI Lowest Network KPI from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently. Aim for this number to be in the green range (75% - 100%)
Summary Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to.
Number of Sessions Count of Sessions connected + disconnected. Used for understanding the number of sessions currently reserving or actively consuming Horizon resources.
VDI Total Price The total price for all VDI Desktop and Application Sessions.
Cost / VDI Average Daily Cost The average cost of the user per day.
Average Monthly Projected Cost The average projected cost of the user per month.
Daily Total Cost The total cost of the user per day.
Monthly Projected Cost The total projected cost of the user per month.
Average Monthly Cost The average Month To Date cost of the user.
Monthly Total Cost The total Month To Date cost of the user.
Horizon VDI Desktop Session Session Total Connected Sesison Time The total time a user remains connected across the pool or farm
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state
Time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login to the desktop/application among all the sessions.
Time taken to load Profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the sessions
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Session Status Session Status

For Last Session Duration, Session Start Time, and Session Status metrics, if a user has logged in from multiple client devices at the same time, then each active session of that user is shown as a new object in the object browser.

For example, if User1 from the QEuser pool has logged in from 3 different client devices at the same time, then the object browser shows the following objects for each active session:

  • Horizon VDI Desktop Session
    • User1\QEuser
    • User1\QEuser:1
    • User1\QEuser:2

You can select each object to see the details of that session.

Protocol Latency The time taken for Horizon protocol packets to reach destination. While related, it is not the same with protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) latency. It's a normalized average of transmit and receive packets.
Frame Rate The frequency of screen frame change per second. Higher refresh rates results in smoother visual but it requires more bandwidth.
Packet Loss Receive The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Agent or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Packet Loss Trasmit The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Client or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Transmit Bandwidth Utilization The average network bandwidth transmit utilization in the collection period. Investigate if there is prolonged excessive usage.
Summary Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state.
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Is Oversized Oversized = 1, Not oversized = 0
Is Undersized Undersized =1, Not undersized =0
Number of PCOIP Sessions Number of PCOIP sessions
Number of BLAST Sessions Number of BLAST sessions
Total Price The total price for the VDI Desktop Session.
Summary / Oversized Memory Amount of Additional Memory used than Allocated.
Virtual CPUs Number of additional vCPUs used than Allocated
Summary / Undersized Memory Amount of Additional Memory Required
Virtual CPUs Number of Additional vCPUs Required
CPU Co-stop If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Co-Stop among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable due to co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value.
Ready If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Ready among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance.
IO Wait If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU IO Wait among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem.
Run Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Run Queue among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core bottleneck
Usage Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage not the guest operating system view.
Context Switch If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Context Switch Rate, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the rate at which Operating System processes running in a CPU are loaded and unloaded. As context switch is an overhead cost, a high number will impact the application performance. The number varies per application so profile your environment to baseline the expected range.
Overlap Percentage of time where the VM was interrupted by hypervisor as it needs to perform system services on behalf of that VM or other VMs.
Peak vCPU Ready The highest CPU Ready among the virtual CPU of the VM. Aim for this number below 2.5% for good user experience.
Peak vCPU Usage The highest CPU utilization among the virtual CPU of the VM. An occasional high number is expected, but a prolonged high number coupled with CPU Run Queue and Context Switch can result in degraded user experience
Utilization Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage not the guest operating system view
Configured Capacity Memory resources allocated to the Virtual Machine.
Virtual CPUs Number of vCPUs
Recommended Virtual CPUs Number of Virtual CPUs recommended by capacity model
Workload(%) Workload
Memory Contention If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Memory Contention, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the amount of time, in percentage, the VM CPU is waiting for memory to be brought in. Keep this number below 1%.
Available Memory Available memory on the guest OS computed as a sum of guest memory standby core, guest memory standby normal, guest memory standby reserve and guest memory free counters from the virtual machine.
Page In Rate The rate at which memory pages are paged in. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS does not have enough cache. This can cause performance problem for memory intensive application
Utilization Amount of memory utilized by the Virtual Machine. Reflects the guest OS memory required (for certain vSphere and VMTools versions) or Virtual Machine consumption
Configured Capacity Memory resources allocated to the Virtual Machine.
Page Out Rate per second Number of Pages per Second
Workload(%) Workload
Disk Latency If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest latency among any of the virtual disks, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the weighted average of read latency and write latency.
Disk Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Disk Queue Length, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress.
Outstanding IO Amount of disk Input or Output commands waiting in the queue to be executed. High IO, coupled with high latency, impacts performance. This number should be below the queue depth of the OS.
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest read latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest write latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Disk IOPS Number of read/write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Read Disk IOPS Number of read operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Write Disk IOPS Number of write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Disk Throughput Amount of data read from/written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Read Disk Throughput Amount of data read from storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Write Disk Throughput Amount of data written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Performance Datacenter KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the datacenter segment, as opposed to the network. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Network KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the network segment of session, as opposed to the datacenter. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Performance KPI Average of Datacenter and Network KPI Metrics.
Cost Average Daily Cost The average cost per VDI Desktop Session per day.
Average Monthly Projected Cost The average projected cost per VDI Desktop Session per month.
Daily Total Cost The total cost of the VDI Desktop Sessions per day.
Monthly Projected Cost The total projected cost of the VDI Desktop Sessions per month.
Average Monthly Cost The average Month To Date cost of the VDI Desktop Sessions.
Monthly Total Cost The total Month To Date cost of the VDI Desktop Sessions.
Horizon RDS Desktop Session Session Total Connected Sesison Time The total time a user remains connected across the pool or farm
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state
Time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login to the desktop/application among all the sessions.
Time taken to load Profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the sessions
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Session Status Session Status

For Last Session Duration, Session Start Time, and Session Status metrics, if a user has logged in from multiple client devices at the same time, then each active session of that user is shown as a new object in the object browser.

For example, if User1 from the QEuser pool has logged in from 3 different client devices the same time, then the object browser shows the following objects for each active session:

  • Horizon RDS Desktop Session
    • User1\QEuser
    • User1\QEuser:1
    • User1\QEuser:2

You can select each object to see the details of that session.

Protocol Latency The time taken for Horizon protocol packets to reach destination. While related, it is not the same with protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) latency. It's a normalized average of transmit and receive packets.
Frame Rate The frequency of screen frame change per second. Higher refresh rates results in smoother visual but it requires more bandwidth.
Packet Loss Receive The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Agent or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Packet Loss Trasmit The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Client or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Transmit Bandwidth Utilization The average network bandwidth transmit utilization in the collection period. Investigate if there is prolonged excessive usage.
Summary Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state.
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Number of PCOIP Sessions Number of PCOIP sessions
Number of BLAST Sessions Number of BLAST sessions
RDS CPU Usage The session CPU consumption relative to the RDS Host size. This is not the total RDS Host usage.
Overall Memory Memory Utilization
Disk IOPS The average of read + write operations per second. Investigate if this becomes excessive. This is a value reported by Guest OS, not VM, as it is a session.
Performance Network KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the network segment of session, as opposed to the datacenter. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Horizon VDI Application Session Session Total Connected Session Time The total time user remains connected.
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state
Time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login to the desktop/application among all the sessions.
Time taken to load Profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the sessions
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Session Status Session Status

For Last Session Duration, Session Start Time, and Session Status metrics, if a user has logged in from multiple client devices at the same time, then each active session of that user is shown as a new object in the object browser.

For example, if User1 from the QEuser pool has logged in from 3 different client devices at the same time, then the object browser shows the following objects for each active session:

  • Horizon VDI Application Session
    • User1\QEuser
    • User1\QEuser:1
    • User1\QEuser:2

You can select each object to see the details of that session.

Protocol Latency The time taken for Horizon protocol packets to reach destination. While related, it is not the same with protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) latency. It's a normalized average of transmit and receive packets.
Frame Rate The frequency of screen frame change per second. Higher refresh rates results in smoother visual but it requires more bandwidth.
Packet Loss Receive The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Agent or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Packet Loss Trasmit The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Client or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Transmit Bandwidth Utilization The average network bandwidth transmit utilization in the collection period. Investigate if there is prolonged excessive usage.
Summary Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state.
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Number of PCOIP Sessions Number of PCOIP sessions
Number of BLAST Sessions Number of BLAST sessions
Total Price The total price for the VDI Application Session.
Application CPU Utilization Average CPU utilization of all applications in the session in percentage.Metric is calculated using help desk APIs
CPU Utilization Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage not the guest operating system view
Configured Capacity Configured Capacity in GHz, based on nominal (static) frequency of the CPU.
Co-stop If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Co-Stop among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable due to co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value.
Ready If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Ready among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance.
IO Wait If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU IO Wait among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem.
Run Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Run Queue among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core bottleneck
Usage Amount of actively used virtual CPU. This is the host's view of the CPU usage not the guest operating system view.
Context Switch If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Context Switch Rate, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the rate at which Operating System processes running in a CPU are loaded and unloaded. As context switch is an overhead cost, a high number will impact the application performance. The number varies per application so profile your environment to baseline the expected range.
Overlap Percentage of time where the VM was interrupted by hypervisor as it needs to perform system services on behalf of that VM or other VMs.
Peak vCPU Ready The highest CPU Ready among the virtual CPU of the VM. Aim for this number below 2.5% for good user experience.
Peak vCPU Usage The highest CPU utilization among the virtual CPU of the VM. An occasional high number is expected, but a prolonged high number coupled with CPU Run Queue and Context Switch can result in degraded user experience
Memory Utilization Amount of memory utilized by the Virtual Machine. Reflects the guest OS memory required (for certain vSphere and VMTools versions) or Virtual Machine consumption
Configured Capacity Memory resources allocated to the Virtual Machine.
Contention If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Memory Contention, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the amount of time, in percentage, the VM CPU is waiting for memory to be brought in. Keep this number below 1%.
Available Memory Available memory on the guest OS computed as a sum of guest memory standby core, guest memory standby normal, guest memory standby reserve and guest memory free counters from the virtual machine.
Page In Rate The rate at which memory pages are paged in. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS does not have enough cache. This can cause performance problem for memory intensive application
Page Out Rate per second Number of Pages per second
Disk Disk IOPS Number of read/write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Read Disk IOPS Number of read operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Write Disk IOPS Number of write operations per second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Disk Throughput Amount of data read from/written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Read Disk Throughput Amount of data read from storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Write Disk Throughput Amount of data written to storage in a second. This is averaged over the reporting period.
Latency The time taken for Horizon protocol packets to reach destination. While related, it is not the same with protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) latency. It's a normalized average of transmit and receive packets.
Disk Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Disk Queue Length, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress.
Outstanding IO Amount of disk Input or Output commands waiting in the queue to be executed. High IO, coupled with high latency, impacts performance. This number should be below the queue depth of the OS.
Worst vDisk Read Latency Highest read latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Worst vDisk Write Latency Highest write latency among any of the VM virtual disks. Keep this number below 10 ms.
Performance Network KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the network segment of session, as opposed to the datacenter. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Datacenter KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the datacenter segment, as opposed to the network. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Performance KPI Average of Datacenter and Network KPI Metrics.
Cost Effective Daily Cost Effective Daily cost of a VDI Application Session.
Monthly Effective Projected Total Cost VDI Application Session cost projected for a full month.
MTD Total Cost Month To Date cost of VDI Application Session.
Horizon RDS Application Session Session Total Connected Session Time The total time user remains connected.
Idle Duration The total time a user remains connected but in Idle state
Time taken to Logon The longest time taken to login to the desktop/application among all the sessions.
Time taken to load Profile The longest time taken to load user profile among all the sessions
Last Session Duration The time duration of the session. The value goes up by 5 every 5 minutes if user is connected.
Session Start Time Session Start Time
Session Status Session Status

For Last Session Duration, Session Start Time, and Session Status metrics, if a user has logged in from multiple client devices at the same time, then each active session of that user is shown as a new object in the object browser.

For example, if User1 from the QEuser pool has logged in from 3 different client devices at the same time, then the object browser shows the following objects for each active session:

  • Horizon RDS Application Session
    • User1\QEuser
    • User1\QEuser:1
    • User1\QEuser:2

You can select each object to see the details of that session.

Protocol Latency The time taken for Horizon protocol packets to reach destination. While related, it is not the same with protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) latency. It's a normalized average of transmit and receive packets.
Frame Rate The frequency of screen frame change per second. Higher refresh rates results in smoother visual but it requires more bandwidth.
Packet Loss Receive The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Agent or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Packet Loss Trasmit The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Client or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Transmit Bandwidth Utilization The average network bandwidth transmit utilization in the collection period. Investigate if there is prolonged excessive usage.
Application CPU Utilization Average CPU utilization of all applications in the session in percentage.Metric is calculated using help desk APIs
Summary Number of Connected Sessions Number of sessions at present that are in connected state.
Number of Disconnected Sessions The number of sessions in a pool where the user has established a desktop session, but is not currently connected. These desktops will not be available for other users to connect to
Number of PCOIP Sessions Number of PCOIP sessions
Number of BLAST Sessions Number of BLAST sessions
Performance Network KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the network segment of session, as opposed to the datacenter. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Horizon Unified Access Gateway Summary Number of Connected Sessions Number of Connected Sessions passed through UAG
Number of Sessions Utilized % is based on Number of sessions out of 2000 max value.
Number of PCOIP Sessions Number of PCOIP sessions
Number of BLAST Sessions Number of BLAST Sessions
Number of Connected PCOIP Sessions Number of PCOIP sessions which are in connected state.
Number of Connected BLAST Sessions Number of BLAST sessions which are in connected state.
Health Status Shows the health of UAG.0 indicates Healthy and 1 indicates Unhealthy.UAG Unhealthy = (Performance KPI % < 60%) or (http Healthcheck != 200) or (not active)
UAG State Indicates the UAG state is whether Active or Inactive.Value 1 indicates UAG is Active and 0 indicates Inactive.
Connected Sessions Disparity The disparity of Horizon Connected sessions to the UAG based on the Pod Average.
Number of Active Connections The number of Active Connections to the UAG.
Telegraf HTTP Health Check Status Http Response Code
HTTP Health Response Time Http Health Response Time
Route Latency Network latency to Telegraf configured device
Route Packet Loss Packet Loss to Telegraf configured device
Note: The Route Latency and Route Packet Loss metrics are avaiable only if the PingCheck setting is enabled while configuring the Unified Access Gateway server.
Protocol Latency The time taken for Horizon protocol packets to reach destination. While related, it is not the same with protocol (e.g. TCP/IP) latency. It's a normalized average of transmit and receive packets.
Frame Rate The frequency of screen frame change per second. Higher refresh rates results in smoother visual but it requires more bandwidth.
Packet Loss Transmit The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Client or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Packet Loss Receive The percentage of Horizon protocol packets that did not reach Horizon Agent or was dropped due to out of order arrival. This number directly impacts user experience.
Worst Latency Worst Latency from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently
Worst Frame Rate Worst Frame Rate from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently.
Worst Packet Loss Transmit Highest transmitted packet loss from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently. Keep this number below 1%
Worst Packet Loss Receive Worst Packet Loss Receive from all active sessions. A user can have >1 sessions concurrently.
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Transmit Loss Count of Sessions with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet transmit loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0.
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Packet Receive Loss Count of Sessions with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) packet receive loss > 1%. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0.
Number of Sessions with High Protocol Latency Count of Sessions with Horizon protocol (e.g. Blast, PCoIP) latency > 180 ms. Expect this number to be low. In ideal state it is 0.
CPU Co-stop If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Co-Stop among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time the VM is ready to run, but is unable due to co-scheduling constraints. VM with less vCPU have lower co-stop value.
Ready If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Ready among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of CPU the VM is ready to run, but unable due to ESXi has no ready physical core to run it. High Ready value impacts VM performance.
IO Wait If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU IO Wait among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the percentage of time VM CPU is waiting for IO. Formula is Wait - Idle - Swap Wait. High value indicates slow storage subsystem.
Usage CPU Usage divided by VM CPU Configuration in MHz.
Run Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest CPU Run Queue among any of the vCPUs, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of ready threads queuing in the CPU. A number greater than 2 for prolong period indicates CPU core bottleneck
Memory Available Memory Available memory on the guest OS computed as a sum of guest memory standby core, guest memory standby normal, guest memory standby reserve and guest memory free counters from the virtual machine.
Page In Rate The rate at which memory pages are paged in. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS does not have enough cache. This can cause performance problem for memory intensive application.
Contention If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Memory Contention, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the amount of time, in percentage, the VM CPU is waiting for memory to be brought in. Keep this number below 1%.
Page Out Rate per second The rate at which memory pages are paged out. An unexpected high value could indicate Guest OS is under memory pressure. It's a capacity, not performance metric.
Utilization Amount of memory utilized by the Virtual Machine. Reflects the guest OS memory required (for certain vSphere and VMTools versions) or Virtual Machine consumption.
Configured Capacity Memory resources allocated to the Virtual Machine.
Usage Memory currently in use as a percentage of total available memory
Disk Disk Queue If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest Disk Queue Length, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the number of outstanding requests + IO currently in progress.
Latency If you have enabled the peak metric collection for vCenter VMs, this metric is set to the highest latency among any of the virtual disks, measured as peak of any 20-second average during the collection interval. If the peak metrics are not enabled, this metric is set to the weighted average of read latency and write latency.
Read Latency Average amount of time for a read operation by the storage adapter.
Write Latency Average amount of time for a write operation by the storage adapter.
Performance Datacenter KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the network segment of session, as opposed to the datacenter. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Network KPI The Key Performance Indicator, aggregating all the performance metrics into 1 metric. This focuses on the datacenter segment, as opposed to the network. Value is 0 - 100% and divided into 4 levels (Green 75 - 100%, Yellow 50 - 75%, Orange 25 - 50%, Red 0 - 25%).
Performance KPI Average of Datacenter and Network KPI Metrics.
Network Total Transmitted Packets Dropped Number of transmitted packets dropped based on summation of 20 sec samples during the monitoring interval
Transmitted Packets Dropped Number of outgoing packets dropped based on average of 20 sec samples during the monitoring interval. Investigate if the number is not 0.