The Management Pack for NetApp E-Series creates alerts (and in some cases provides recommended actions) based on various symptoms it detects in your NetApp E-Series Environment. See the table below for the list of alerts available in the Management Pack.





Drive has Severity Alert Drive Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Alert Drive Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Drive has Severity Info Drive Event

This alert indicates that a Info alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Info Drive Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Drive has Severity Emergency Drive Event

This alert indicates that a Immediate alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Emergency Drive Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Drive has Severity Warning Drive Event

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Warning Drive Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Drive has Severity Critical Drive Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Critical Drive Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Tray has Severity Alert Tray Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Alert Tray Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Tray has Severity Critical Tray Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Critical Tray Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Tray has Severity Warning Tray Event

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Warning Tray Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Tray has Severity Info Tray Event

This alert indicates that a Info alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Info Tray Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Tray has Severity Emergency Tray Event

This alert indicates that a Immediate alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Emergency Tray Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume has Severity Emergency Volume Event

This alert indicates that a Immediate alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Emergency Volume Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume has Severity Critical Volume Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Critical Volume Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume has Severity Warning Volume Event

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Warning Volume Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume has Severity Alert Volume Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Alert Volume Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume has Severity Info Volume Event

This alert indicates that a Info alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Info Volume Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume Group has Severity Critical Volume Group Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Critical Volume Group Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume Group has Severity Info Volume Group Event

This alert indicates that a Info alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Info Volume Group Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume Group has Severity Emergency Volume Group Event

This alert indicates that a Immediate alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Emergency Volume Group Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume Group has Severity Alert Volume Group Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Alert Volume Group Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume Group has Severity Warning Volume Group Event

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Warning Volume Group Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Controller has Severity Alert Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Alert Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Controller has Severity Warning Event

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Warning Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Controller has Severity Info Event

This alert indicates that a Info alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Info Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Controller has Severity Emergency Event

This alert indicates that a Immediate alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Emergency Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Controller has Severity Critical Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Critical Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Dynamic Disk Pool has Severity Info Dynamic Disk Pool Event

This alert indicates that a Info alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Info Dynamic Disk Pool Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Dynamic Disk Pool has Severity Emergency Dynamic Disk Pool Event

This alert indicates that a Immediate alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Emergency Dynamic Disk Pool Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Dynamic Disk Pool has Severity Warning Dynamic Disk Pool Event

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Warning Dynamic Disk Pool Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Dynamic Disk Pool has Severity Alert Dynamic Disk Pool Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Alert Dynamic Disk Pool Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Dynamic Disk Pool has Severity Critical Dynamic Disk Pool Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Critical Dynamic Disk Pool Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Storage Array has Severity Alert Storage Array Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Alert Storage Array Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Storage Array has Severity Warning Storage Array Event

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Warning Storage Array Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Storage Array has Severity Info Storage Array Event

This alert indicates that a Info alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Info Storage Array Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Storage Array has Severity Emergency Storage Array Event

This alert indicates that a Immediate alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Emergency Storage Array Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Storage Array has Severity Critical Storage Array Event

This alert indicates that a Critical alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

Severity Critical Storage Array Event

See 'What is Causing the Issue?' below for more information about this alert.

Volume has IOPS Above Threshold

This alert indicates that a Warning alert was raised in NetAppESeries.

IOPS Above Threshold

Factors that affect input/output operations per second (IOPS) include these items: Access pattern (random or sequential) I/O size RAID level Segment size The number of drives in the volume groups or storage array The higher the cache hit rate, the higher I/O rates will be. You can see performance improvements caused by changing the segment size in the IOPS statistics for a volume. Experiment to determine the optimal segment size, or use the file system size or database block size. Higher write I/O rates are experienced with write caching enabled compared to disabled. In deciding whether to enable write caching for an individual volume, look at the current IOPS and the maximum IOPS. You should see higher rates for sequential I/O patterns than for random I/O patterns. Regardless of your I/O pattern, enable write caching to maximize the I/O rate and to shorten the application response time.

Volume Total I/O Above Threshold

Volume combined I/O is above dynamic threshold.

Total I/O Above Threshold

This data is useful for monitoring the I/O activity of a specific controller and a specific volume, which can help identify possible high-traffic I/O areas. If the I/O rate is slow on a volume, try increasing the volume group size by selecting Volume Group >> Add Free Capacity (Drives). You might notice a disparity in the total I/Os (workload) of controllers. For example, the workload of one controller is heavy or is increasing over time while that of the other controller is lighter or more stable. In this case, you might want to change the controller ownership of one or more volumes to the controller with the lighter workload. Use the volume total I/O statistics to determine which volumes to move. You might want to monitor the workload across the storage array. Look at the Total I/Os column of the Storage Array Totals row in the Performance Monitor window. If the workload continues to increase over time while application performance decreases, you might need to add additional storage arrays. By adding storage arrays to your enterprise, you can continue to meet application needs at an acceptable performance level.

Volume Total I/O Below Threshold

Volume combined I/O is below dynamic threshold.

Total I/O Below Threshold

This data is useful for monitoring the I/O activity of a specific controller and a specific volume, which can help identify possible high-traffic I/O areas. If the I/O rate is slow on a volume, try increasing the volume group size by selecting Volume Group >> Add Free Capacity (Drives). You might notice a disparity in the total I/Os (workload) of controllers. For example, the workload of one controller is heavy or is increasing over time while that of the other controller is lighter or more stable. In this case, you might want to change the controller ownership of one or more volumes to the controller with the lighter workload. Use the volume total I/O statistics to determine which volumes to move. You might want to monitor the workload across the storage array. Look at the Total I/Os column of the Storage Array Totals row in the Performance Monitor window. If the workload continues to increase over time while application performance decreases, you might need to add additional storage arrays. By adding storage arrays to your enterprise, you can continue to meet application needs at an acceptable performance level.

Volume has Read Percentage Below Threshold

Volume read percentage (ratio read to write IOPS) is below dynamic threshold.

Read Percentage Below Threshold

Use the Read Percentage for a volume to determine actual application behavior. If a low percentage of read activity exists relative to write activity, you might want to change the RAID level of a volume group from RAID Level 5 to RAID Level 1 to obtain faster performance.

Volume Flash Cache Hit Percentage Below Threshold

Volume flash cache hit percentage is below dynamic threshold.

Cache Hit Percentage Below Threshold

A higher cache hit percentage is desirable for optimal application performance. A positive correlation exists between the cache hit percentage and the I/O rates. The cache hit percentage of all of the volumes might be low or trending downward. This trend might indicate inherent randomness in access patterns. In addition, at the storage array level or the controller level, this trend might indicate the need to install more controller cache memory if you do not have the maximum amount of memory installed. If an individual volume is experiencing a low cache hit percentage, consider enabling dynamic cache read prefetch for that volume. Dynamic cache read prefetch can increase the cache hit percentage for a sequential I/O workload.

Storage Array Controllers Unavailable

All controllers on the storage array are unavailable. Not collecting metrics.

Storage Array Controllers Unavailable

All controllers on the storage array are unavailable. This means the API is returning cached metrics. Metrics will not be collected as long as the controllers remain unavailable and the API returns cached data.

Controller Is Not Active

The controller is not active.

Controller Is Not Active

The controller is not active. Ensure that the controller is not in service mode or suspended.