The OpenStack Network Infrastructure dashboard provides you with a high level view of the networking infrastructure.

The networking infrastructure is only available if you are using NSX for vSphere as your networking component, and you have configured the NSX for vSphere adapter. If you are not using NSX for vSphere as your networking component, this dashboard will not display any information.

Table 1. OpenStack Network Infrastructure Dashboard Widgets
Widget Description
Network Inventory Provides a high level view of your networking infrastructure:

If NSX for vSphere is your network component, Controller, Controller Cluster, and Transport Zone is displayed. Select an object to view related components and information in the dashboard.

Hover over an object to display health and configuration related details.

Network Infrastructure Displays related components of the object selected in the Network Inventory widget.

Hover over an object to view health and capacity related details.

To display an extended view that includes other connected objects, right-click an object, select Expand Node, and select the objects you want to include in the expanded view.

Network Infrastructure Resource Utilization Displays a heatmap of the workloads of the different network objects. A threshold is set at 80% of the workload. The heatmap remains green and healthy as long as the workload remains below 80% of the capacity.

View a heatmap by selecting the required network object from the Configurations drop-down menu

If you are using NSX for vSphere as your networking component, you can view a heatmap for the NSX-vSphere Controller ​ CPU, NSX-vSphere Controller Memory, NSX-vSphere Controller Disk, and the NSX-vSphere Controller Network.

Network Alerts Displays alerts for objects selected in the Network Infrastructure widget.