Dashboards are the primary feature for monitoring and troubleshooting MongoDB from within VMware Aria Operations.
The following dashboards are included in the Management Pack for MongoDB:
MongoDB Overview provides at-a-glance heatmaps depicting the overall health of your MongoDB resources (mongos instances, mongods, shards, databases, etc.).
MongoDB Health Investigation displays the current active alerts in your MongoDB environment. When an alert is selected, health information and key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the affected resource are shown, along with a Topology (relationships) view of the resource and health information for its parent and child resources.
MongoDB Environment depicts your MongoDB environment from your top-level resources, down through the hierarchy. Selecting any resource from the Environment Selector will populate health, KPIs, and properties information for that resource.
MongoDB IOPS allows you to select a node to view IOPS metrics for that mongos/mongod resource. You can also select a related virtual machine or datastore view IOPS metrics for those resources.
MongoDB Mongos Instances allows you to select a database and Mongos instance to drill-down into opcounters, asserts, memory, connections, network, and page faults information for that Mongos instance.
MongoDB Databases allows you to select a Mongos instance and database to view health, KPIs, topology (relationships), and top alerts for the database.
MongoDB Replica Setsallows you to select a replica set to view opcounters, network, memory, topology (relationships), cache, and connections information for the selected resource.
MongoDB Mongods allows you to select a mongod resource to view opcounters, memory, topology (relationships), cache, connections, and network information for the selected resource.