With agent groups, agents can be part of multiple groups and they can belong to the default group All Agents—activating centralized configuration.
Merging occurs server-side—and the resulting configuration is merged with the agent-side configuration. The merged configuration is a result of the following rules.
- The individual group configurations have a higher priority and overrides the All Agents group settings.
- The All Agents group configuration overrides the local configuration.
- You cannot configure sections with the same name in different groups except with the All Agents groups. However, the sections in individual groups have a higher priority.
Note: To prevent agent loss, the
hostname and
port parameters of an agent configuration cannot be changed centrally from the server.
The merged configuration is stored in the agent-side liagent-effective.ini file. For windows systems, this file is stored in %ProgramData%\VMware\Log Insight Agent and for Linux systems it is stored in /var/lib/loginsight-agent/.