The in-production cluster check service runs a battery of checks periodically at each node. You can query the latest results of the in-product cluster checks using the CLI.

For example, the service determines if the cluster is running and configured as expected or if there are any issues with integrations to other systems. Additional checks are listed below.
  • Is NTP configured in a multi-host deployment?
  • Can the Active Directory be reached (if it is currently configured)?
  • Can Active Directory authentication occur (if it is currently configured)?
  • Can the Active Directory hosts and Kerberos hosts be reached (if Active Directory is currently configured)?
  • Is the system running in a non-supported two-host deployment?
  • Is there enough space in /tmp to perform an upgrade?
  • Is there enough space in /storage/core to perform an upgrade?
  • Is localhost correctly placed inside /etc/hosts?


  1. At the command line, establish an SSH connection to the VMware Aria Operations for Logs virtual appliance and log in as the root user.
  2. In the command line, type /usr/lib/loginsight/application/sbin/ {username} and press Enter.
    Replace {username} with your user name such as root.
    Note: The script is only available in VMware Aria Operations for Logs version 8.12 and below.