You can uninstall the VMware Aria Operations for Logs adapter from the VMware Aria Operations instance to remove menu items related to VMware Aria Operations for Logs from the VMware Aria Operations user interface.

You use the VMware Aria Operations for Logs UI to deactivate launch in context. If you do not have access to VMware Aria Operations for Logs or if the VMware Aria Operations for Logs instance is deleted before the connection with VMware Aria Operations is deactivated, you can unregister VMware Aria Operations for Logs from the Administration UI of VMware Aria Operations. See the Help in the VMware Aria Operations Administration portal.

Caution: One instance of VMware Aria Operations supports launch in context for only one instance of VMware Aria Operations for Logs. If another instance of VMware Aria Operations for Logs has been registered after you registered the instance that you want to deactivate, the second instance overrides the settings of the first one without notifying you.


  • Verify that you are logged in to the VMware Aria Operations for Logs web user interface as a Super Admin user, or a user associated with a role that has the relevant permissions. See Create and Modify Roles for more information. The URL format of the web user interface is https://operations-for-logs-host, where operations-for-logs-host is the IP address or host name of the VMware Aria Operations for Logs virtual appliance.


  1. Expand the main menu and navigate to Integration > VMware Aria Operations.
  2. Deselect the Enable Launch in Context check box.
  3. Click Save.


VMware Aria Operations for Logs configures the VMware Aria Operations instance to remove the VMware Aria Operations for Logs adapter. This operation might take a few minutes.