To integrate VMware Aria Operations for Logs with VMware Aria Operations, you must specify credentials for VMware Aria Operations for Logs to authenticate against VMware Aria Operations. To manipulate objects in VMware Aria Operations, a user account must have the required permissions.

If you assign permissions to a user for Launch in Context, the user can also configure alert integration. Use the information in the alert integration table to assign permissions for alert integration only.

Table 1. Alert Integration
Action Permissions and Objects to Select

Create a custom role with the listed permissions.

  1. Administration -> Rest APIs
    1. All other, Read, Write APIs

    2. Read access to APIs

Assign the preceding role to the local or Active Directory user (new or existing) and select objects/object hierarchies to assign.

  1. Adapter Instance -> vRealizeOpsMgrAPI [Check All]

  2. vSphere Hosts and Clusters [Check All]

  3. vSphere Networking [Check All]

  4. vSphere Storage [Check All]

Table 2. Launch in Context Integration
Action Permissions and Objects to Select

Create a custom role with the listed permissions.

  1. Administration -> Access Control
    1. Access Control Page
    2. Manage Roles
  2. Administration -> Resource Kind Management
    1. Create
    2. Edit
  3. Administration -> Resource Management
    1. Create
    2. Delete
    3. Manage Resource Relationships
    4. Read
  4. Administration -> Rest APIs.
    1. All other, Read, Write APIs
    2. Read access to APIs
    3. Delete resource

Assign the preceding role to the local or Active Directory user (new or existing) and select objects/object hierarchies to assign.

Select Allow Access to All Objects in the System.