When you activate launch in context on a VMware Aria Operations 6.2 and later instance, VMware Aria Operations for Logs creates an instance of the VMware Aria Operations for Logs adapter on the VMware Aria Operations instance.

The instance of the adapter remains in the VMware Aria Operations instance when you uninstall VMware Aria Operations for Logs. As a result, the launch in context menu items continue to appear in the actions menus, and point to a VMware Aria Operations for Logs instance that no longer exists.

To deactivate the launch in context functionality in VMware Aria Operations, you must remove the VMware Aria Operations for Logs adapter from the VMware Aria Operations instance.

You can use the command line utility cURL to send REST calls to VMware Aria Operations.

Note: These steps are only required if Launch in Context was activated.


  • Verify that cURL is installed on your system. Note that this tool is preinstalled in the VMware Aria Operations virtual appliance and the steps can be performed from the appliance using IP address
  • Verify that you know the IP address or host name of the target VMware Aria Operations instance.
  • Depending on the VMware Aria Operations license that you own, verify that you have the minimum credentials required to remove the management pack. See Minimum Required Permissions for a Local or Active Directory User Account.


  1. In cURL, run the following query on the VMware Aria Operations virtual appliance to find the VMware Aria Operations for Logs adapter.
    curl -k -u "admin" https://ipaddress/suite-api/api/adapterkinds/LogInsight/resourcekinds/LogInsightLogServer/resources

    Where admin is the administrator login name and ipaddress is the IP address (or hostname) of the VMware Aria Operations instance. You are prompted to enter the password for the user: admin.

    From the curl output find the GUID value assigned to the identifier: <ops:resource creationTime="{TIMESTAMP}" identifier=“{GUID}”>. You can use this GUID value in the below command that removes the adapter instance.

  2. Run the following command to remove the VMware Aria Operations for Logs adapter.
    curl -k -u "admin" -X DELETE https://ipaddress/suite-api/api/adapters/{GUID}

    Where admin is the administrator login name and ipaddress is the IP address (or hostname) of the VMware Aria Operations instance. You are prompted to enter the password for the user: admin.


VMware Aria Operations for Logs launch in context items are removed from the menus in VMware Aria Operations. For more information about launch in context, see the topic VMware Aria Operations for Logs Launch in Context of the VMware Aria Operations for Logs in-product help.