You can configure an SMTP server to send email notifications for alerts.


  1. Click the two arrows icon in the upper-left corner of the screen to expand the main menu.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Email Configuration.
  3. To use the VMware-hosted SMTP server, under SMTP server, select Default - VMware Hosted and skip to step 5.
  4. To use a custom SMTP server:
    1. Under SMTP server, select Custom.
    2. Provide the following information:
      Option Description
      Custom Enter the server address and port number of the SMTP server that you want to use to send email notifications.
      Security If the selected SMTP server uses an encrypted connection, select the encryption protocol.
      Username Enter a user name to authenticate with the SMTP server when sending system notifications.
      Password Enter a password to authenticate with the SMTP server when sending system notifications.
      Sender email Enter an email address to use when sending system notifications.
      Sender name Enter a name to use when sending system notifications.
  5. Click Save.
  6. To verify the connection, click Send Test Email. Enter recipient email addresses for the test email and click Send.