You can use the VMware NSX-T Manager page to get an overview of your VMware NSX-T Manager available in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.

To access this page, search for NSX-T Manager and in the search result list, click the entity you want to view.


In the NSX Manager page, you see:

Section Details
Overview You see:
  • A summary of your NSX-T Manager, including the alert chart, number of firewall rules, IPSET, transport zones, applications, and unprotected flows, and flows volume in last 24 hours.
  • List of properties, firewall rules by number of hits, top flows by rule, and compute managers.
  • The topology details. Topology provides a contextual view of the entities and also shows alerts associated with the entities.
  • Top flows by App-Id.
Alert You see:
  • A list of various alerts and analytics threshold alerts.
Flows You see:
  • Various flow analytics.
Metrics You see:
  • NSX-T Management node health details.
    Note: The NSX-T Management node health details is available only for NSX-T version 2.4.0 and later.