VeloCloud Edge metrics provide information about the performance of the VeloCloud Edge device.
Metric Name | Metric API Name | Description |
Bytes | | Total number of bytes transmitted and received by the VeloCloud Edge device. |
Destination Bytes | | Total number of bytes sent by the destination of the flow |
Flow Count | | Total number of flows transmitted and received by the VeloCloud Edge device. |
Handoff Queue Drops | | Total number of handoff queue drops observed at the edge. |
Maximum TCP RTT | velocloud.tcpRtt.absolute.maximum.microsecond | Maximum TCP round trip time of the flow within the specified duration. If no duration is specified, the default is last 24 hours. |
Packet Drop Percentage | velocloudedge.packetDrop.ratio.average.percent | Average ratio of total dropped packets to total number of packets. |
Packets | | Total number of packets transmitted and received by the VeloCloud Edge device. |
Percentage Uptime | velocloudedge.edgeState.rate.average.percent | Average percentage of time the VeloCloud Edge device is in the connected state. |
SD-WAN Retransmitted Packet Percentage | velocloudedge.retransmittedPacketsTx.ratio.average.percent | Average ratio of the number of packets retransmitted to the total number of packets transmitted by the VeloCloud Edge device. |
Source Bytes | | Total number of bytes sent by the source of the flow. |
TCP Retransmitted Packet Percentage | velocloud.tcpRetransmitedPackets.ratio.average.percent | Average ratio of the number of TCP packets retransmitted to the total number of packets transmitted by the VeloCloud Edge device. |
TCP Retransmitted Packets | | Total TCP packets retransmitted for the flow to the total number of packets transmitted. |
Throughput | velocloudedge.totalBytesRate.rate.average.bitsPerSecond | Average total traffic in both directions expressed in Bits per second. |
Transactional QoE | velocloud.transScore.absolute.average.number | Transactional quality score of the VeloCloud Edge device. |
Uptime | | Average time the VeloCloud Edge device is in the connected state. |
Video QoE | velocloud.videoScore.absolute.average.number | Video quality score of the VeloCloud Edge device. |
Voice QoE | velocloud.voiceScore.absolute.average.number | Voice quality score of the VeloCloud Edge device. |