VeloCloud Edge metrics provide information about the performance of the VeloCloud Edge device.

Metric Name Metric API Name Description
Bytes Total number of bytes transmitted and received by the VeloCloud Edge device.
Destination Bytes Total number of bytes sent by the destination of the flow
Flow Count Total number of flows transmitted and received by the VeloCloud Edge device.
Handoff Queue Drops Total number of handoff queue drops observed at the edge.
Maximum TCP RTT velocloud.tcpRtt.absolute.maximum.microsecond Maximum TCP round trip time of the flow within the specified duration.

If no duration is specified, the default is last 24 hours.

Packet Drop Percentage velocloudedge.packetDrop.ratio.average.percent Average ratio of total dropped packets to total number of packets.
Packets Total number of packets transmitted and received by the VeloCloud Edge device.
Percentage Uptime velocloudedge.edgeState.rate.average.percent Average percentage of time the VeloCloud Edge device is in the connected state.
SD-WAN Retransmitted Packet Percentage velocloudedge.retransmittedPacketsTx.ratio.average.percent Average ratio of the number of packets retransmitted to the total number of packets transmitted by the VeloCloud Edge device.
Source Bytes Total number of bytes sent by the source of the flow.
TCP Retransmitted Packet Percentage velocloud.tcpRetransmitedPackets.ratio.average.percent Average ratio of the number of TCP packets retransmitted to the total number of packets transmitted by the VeloCloud Edge device.
TCP Retransmitted Packets Total TCP packets retransmitted for the flow to the total number of packets transmitted.
Throughput velocloudedge.totalBytesRate.rate.average.bitsPerSecond Average total traffic in both directions expressed in Bits per second.
Transactional QoE velocloud.transScore.absolute.average.number Transactional quality score of the VeloCloud Edge device.
Uptime Average time the VeloCloud Edge device is in the connected state.
Video QoE velocloud.videoScore.absolute.average.number Video quality score of the VeloCloud Edge device.
Voice QoE velocloud.voiceScore.absolute.average.number Voice quality score of the VeloCloud Edge device.