Virtual network interface card (vNIC) metrics provide information about the performance of the virtual network interface card.

Metric Name Metric API Name Description
Dropped Rx Packets Number of received packets dropped during the collection interval.
Dropped Tx Packets Number of transmitted packets dropped during the collection interval.
Interface Rx Utilization (%) net.rx.utilization.absolute.latest.percent Interface utilization percentage for the received traffic.
Interface Tx Utilization (%) net.tx.utilization.absolute.latest.percent Interface utilization percentage for the transmitted traffic.
Interface Utilization (%) net.utilization.absolute.latest.percent Interface utilization percentage for received and transmitted traffic.
Max Network Traffic Rate (Kbps) net.usage.rate.maximum.kiloBytesPerSecond Maximum total network usage rate over a five minute interval.
Max Network Tx Rate (Kbps) net.transmitted.rate.maximum.kiloBytesPerSecond Maximum network data transmit rate over five minute interval.
Max Packet Drop Ratio (%) net.packetDrop.ratio.maximum.percent Maximum five minute interval ratio of total dropped packets to total number packets.
Max Packet Drops Maximum number of dropped packets over any five minute interval in the selected duration.
Multicast Rx Packets Number of multicast packets received during the time interval.
Multicast Tx Packets Number of multicast packets transmitted during the time interval.
Network Max Rx Rate (Kbps) net.received.rate.maximum.kiloBytesPerSecond Maximum network data receive rate over any five minute interval.
Network Packet Count Total number of packets transmitted and received during the time interval.
Network Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDrop.ratio.average.percent Average ratio of dropped packets to total number packets.
Network Packet Drops Total number of packet drops.
Network Rx Rate (Kbps) net.received.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average rate at which data was received during the time interval.

This metric represents the bandwidth of the network.

Network Rx Rate (Kbps) net.received.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average rate at which data was received during the time interval.

This metric represents the bandwidth of the network.

Network Traffic Rate (Kbps) net.usage.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average rate of received and transmitted traffic during the time interval.
Network Tx Rate (Kbps) net.transmitted.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Average rate at which data was transmitted during the interval.

This metric represents the bandwidth of the network.

Rx Broadcast Packets Number of broadcast packets received during the time interval.
Rx Broadcast Ratio (%) net.broadcastByRx.ratio.average.percent Ratio of received broadcast packets to total number of received packets.
Rx Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDropRx.ratio.average.percent Average ratio of dropped received packets to total received packets.
Rx Packets Number of packets received during the time interval.
Total Network Traffic Sum of data transmitted and received during the time interval.
Tx Broadcast Packets Number of broadcast packets transmitted during the time interval.
Tx Broadcast Ratio (%) net.broadcastByTx.ratio.average.percent Ratio of transmitted broadcast packets to total transmitted packets.
Tx Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDropTx.ratio.average.percent Average ratio of dropped transmitted packets to total transmitted packets.
Tx Packets Number of packets transmitted during the time interval.
Unicast Rx Packets Total number of unicast packets received during the time interval.
Unicast Tx Packets Total number of unicast packets transmitted during the time interval.