VMware Aria Operations for Networks collects CPU usage, datastore, memory, and network metrics for VMs.

CPU Usage Metrics

CPU usage metrics provide information about the CPU use on the VM.
Metric Name Metric API Name Description Supported by Databus
CPU Co-Stop Rate (%) cpu.costop.rate.average.percent

Average percentage of time spent by the vCPUs in the CoStop state due to co-vCPU scheduling contention.

CPU Co-Stop Rate vCPU (%) cpu.costop_vcpu.rate.average.percent Average percentage of time spent by a vCPU in the CoStop state due to co-vCPU scheduling contention.
CPU Co-Stop Time cpu.costop.delta.summation.millisecond

Time spent in the CoStop state by all vCPUs of a VM.

CPU Ready Rate (%) cpu.ready.rate.average.percent

Percentage of time that the VM was waiting in line to use the CPU on the host.

The CPU ready time depends on the number of VMs on the host and their CPU loads.

CPU Ready Rate vCPU (%) cpu.ready_vcpu.rate.average.percent

Percentage of time per vCPU that the VM was waiting in line to use the CPU on the host.

The CPU ready time depends on the number of VMs on the host and their CPU loads.

CPU Ready Time cpu.ready.delta.summation.millisecond

Amount of time a VM is ready to use the CPU but was unable to schedule physical CPU time.

The VM cannot schedule physical CPU time when all the VMware vSphere ESXi host CPU resources are busy.
CPU Run Rate (%) cpu.run.rate.average.percent Average percentage of time spent in the Run state by all vCPUs of this VM.
CPU Run Rate vCPU (%) cpu.run_vcpu.rate.average.percent Average percentage of time spent by a vCPU in the Run state.
CPU Run Time cpu.run.delta.summation.millisecond Amount of time spent in the Run state by all vCPUs of this VM.
CPU Usage (MHz) cpu.usagemhz.rate.average.megaHertz

Amount of actively used vCPU.

The CPU Usage metric is associated with the host and not the guest operating system.

CPU Usage Rate (%) cpu.usage.rate.average.percent Average percentage of actively used vCPU to the total available CPU.

The CPU Usage metric is associated with the host and not the guest operating system.

CPU usage rate indicates the average CPU utilization over all available vCPUs in the VM. For example, if a VM with one vCPU is running on a host that has four physical CPUs and the CPU usage is 100%, the VM is using a 100% of one physical CPU.

CPU Wait Rate (%) cpu.wait.rate.average.percent Percentage of CPU time spent in the Wait state such as CPU idle, CPU swap wait, and CPU I/O wait.
CPU Wait Rate vCPU (%) cpu.wait_vcpu.rate.average.percent Percentage of CPU time per vCPU spent in the Wait state such as CPU idle, CPU swap wait, and CPU I/O wait.
CPU Wait Time cpu.wait.delta.summation.millisecond Amount of CPU time spent in the Wait state such as CPU idle, CPU swap wait, and CPU I/O wait.

Network Metrics

Network metrics provide information about the network performance of the VM.

Metric Name Metric API Name Description Supported by Databus
Dropped Rx Packets net.droppedRx.delta.summation.number Number of dropped Rx packets to the total number of Rx packets. Yes
Incomplete TCP Session Count net.incomplete.sessionCount.delta.summation.number

Total number of incomplete TCP sessions received at the VM from other VMs or IP addresses during the time interval.


This metric is available only for Enterprise License users having a deployment of XXL brick Size Collector.

If you scale up the brick size of your existing collector to XXL, you must restart the nfcapd service to start collecting the Incomplete TCP Session Count metric.

Run the following command on the Collector CLI:

sudo service nfcapd restart
Dropped Tx Packets net.droppedTx.delta.summation.number Number of dropped Tx packets to the total number of Tx packets. Yes
Max Network Traffic Rate (Kbps) net.usage.rate.maximum.kiloBitsPerSecond Maximum data transmission rate on the VM over any five minute interval in the selected duration.

Maximum network rate includes both transmitted and received data.

Max Network Tx Rate (Kbps) net.transmitted.rate.maximum.kiloBitsPerSecond Maximum data transmission rate on the VM over any five minute interval in the selected duration.
Max Packet Drop Ratio (%) net.packetDrop.ratio.maximum.percent Maximum ratio of total packets dropped to total number of packets received over any five minute interval in the selected duration.
Max Packet Drops net.droppedTotal.delta.maximum.number Maximum number of dropped packets over any five minute interval in the selected duration. Yes
Multicast Rx Packets net.multicastRx.delta.summation.number Total number of multicast packets received across all pNICs (physical network adapters) during the sampling interval.
Multicast Tx Packets net.multicastTx.delta.summation.number Total number of multicast packets transmitted across all pNICs during the sampling interval. Yes
Network Max Rx Rate (Kbps) net.received.rate.maximum.kiloBitsPerSecond Maximum network data receive rate on the VM over any five minute interval in the selected duration.
Network Packet Count net.packetsTotal.delta.summation.number Total number of packets transmitted and received during the interval across all pNICs. Yes
Network Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDrop.ratio.average.percent Ratio of total number of dropped packets to total number of packets. Yes
Network Packet Drops net.droppedTotal.delta.summation.number Total number of packet drops on the VM. Yes
Network Rx Rate (Kbps) net.received.rate.average.kiloBitsPerSecond Average rate at which data was received during the time interval. Yes
Network Traffic Rate (Kbps) net.usage.rate.average.kiloBitsPerSecond Average rate at which data was received and transmitted during the time interval. Yes
Network Tx Rate (Kbps) net.transmitted.rate.average.kiloBitsPerSecond Average rate at which data was transmitted during the time interval. Yes
Rx Broadcast Packets net.broadcastRx.delta.summation.number Total number of broadcast packets received during the time interval.
Rx Broadcast Ratio (%) net.broadcastByRx.ratio.average.percent Percentage of broadcast packets received during the time interval.
Rx Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDropRx.ratio.average.percent Ratio of total number of dropped Rx packets to total number of Rx packets.
Rx Packets net.packetsRx.delta.summation.number Average number of received packets during the time interval. Yes
Total Network Traffic net.usage.delta.summation.kiloBytes Sum of data transmitted and received across all vNICs of the VM. Yes
Total Packets Per Second net.ppsTotal.rate.average.number

Average rate of received and transmitted packets per second.

Tx Broadcast Packets net.broadcastTx.delta.summation.number Number of broadcast packets transmitted during a specified time interval.
Tx Broadcast Ratio (%) net.broadcastByTx.ratio.average.percent Average percentage of broadcast packets transmitted during the time interval.
Tx Packet Drop Percent (%) net.packetDropTx.ratio.average.percent Ratio of total number of dropped Tx packets to total number of Tx packets.
Tx Packets net.packetsTx.delta.summation.number Average number of transmitted packets during the time interval. Yes
Unicast Rx Packets net.unicastRx.delta.summation.number Total number of unicast packets received by the host.
Unicast Tx Packets net.unicastTx.delta.summation.number Total number of unicast packets transmitted by the host.
Uptime sys.uptime.absolute.latest.second Total time elapsed since the last system startup.
Uncommitted Space


Uncommitted space of VM storage.

Snapshot Size snapshot.used.absolute.latest.bytes

The size of the VM snapshot.

Datastore Metrics

Datastore metrics provide information about the datastore use.

Metric Name Metric API Name Decription
Read IOPS datastore.numberReadAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of read commands issued per second during the collection interval.
Max IO Latency


Highest latency value across all datastores used by the VM.

Read Latency (ms) datastore.totalReadLatency.absolute.average.millisecond Average latency of each read operation issued by this VM on its datastore.
Read Rate (Kbps) datastore.read.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Read throughput of datastores connected to the VM averaged over 24 hours.
RW IOPS datastore.numberRWAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of read and write commands sent from the VM to the connected datastores.
RW Rate (Kbps) datastore.usage.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond

Read and write throughput of datastores connected to the VM averaged over 24 hours.

Write IOPS datastore.numberWriteAveraged.rate.average.number Average number of write commands sent from the VM to the connected datastores.
Write Latency datastore.totalWriteLatency.absolute.average.millisecond

Average latency of each write operation issued by this VM on its datastore.

Write Rate (Kbps) datastore.write.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Write throughput of datastores connected to the VM averaged over 24 hours.

Memory Metrics for Hosts

Memory metrics provide information about memory use and allocation on the virutal machine.

Metric Name Metric API Name Decription Supported by Databus
Memory Balloon mem.vmmemctl.absolute.average.kiloBytes Average memory of the guest physical memory allocated to vmmemctl for this VM.

vmmemctl is a VMware exclusive memory-management driver that controls ballooning.

Memory Swap-In Rate (Kbps) mem.swapinRate.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Rate at which the memory is swapped from disk to active memory during the time interval.
Memory Swap-Out Rate (Kbps) mem.swapoutRate.rate.average.kiloBytesPerSecond Rate at which the memory is swapped from active memory to the disk during the time interval.
memory Swapped mem.swapped.absolute.average.kiloBytes

Amount of guest physical memory swapped out to the VM's swap file by the VMkernel.

The swapped memory stays on the disk until the VM needs it. This metric refers to VMkernel swapping and not to guest OS swapping.

Memory Usage Rate (%) mem.usage.absolute.average.percent Percentage of memory used from the available machine memory. Yes
Overhead Memory mem.overhead.absolute.average.kiloBytes

Amount of memory allocated to a VM beyond its reserved amount.

The VM requires overhead memory to power on.

Overhead memory includes the space reserved for the VM frame buffer and various virtualization data structures. It depends on the number of vCPUs and the configured memory for the guest operating system.

Consumed Memory mem.consumed.absolute.average.kiloBytes

Amount of host memory used by the VM for its guest operating system's physical memory.

Consumed memory does not include the overhead memory. It only includes shared memory and memory that might be reserved, but not used. That is, consumed memory = memory granted - memory saved from page sharing.

Active Memory mem.active.absolute.average.kiloBytes

Amount of guest physical memory that is in use by the VM.

Active memory is estimated using VMkernel statistical sampling. It represents the actual amount of memory the VM needs. Therefore, the unused memory can be swapped out or ballooned without any performance impact.

Snapshot Metrics

The snapshot metric provide information about the VM snapshot.

Metric Name Metric API Name Decription
Snapshot Size snapshot.used.absolute.latest.bytes The size of the VM snapshot.