This reference includes examples for the hostname command. For details on how to change the hostname, see How to change the hostname of a platform or a collector node? topic.

Command Description Usage Example
hostname show Shows the current host name of the VMware Aria Operations for Networks hostname show hostname show
host name update Updates the host name of VMware Aria Operations for Networks collector or platform VMs. host name update host name update --helphostname update --hosts <new_hostname>hostname update --hosts platform1:<new_hostname1> platform2:<new_hostname2> platform3:<new_hostname3>
Table 1. Syntax
Flag Description
--dryrun Validates the new hostname without updating the hostname in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.


hostname update --dryrun --hosts <new_hostname>

hostname update --dryrun --hosts platform1:<new_hostname1> platform2:<new_hostname2> platform3:<new_hostname3>

--hosts Updates the hostname of your VMs in VMware Aria Operations for Networks.


hostname update --hosts <new_hostname>

hostname update --hosts platform1:<new_hostname1> platform2:<new_hostname2> platform3:<new_hostname3>

--help Shows all the supported options.


hostname update --help