You can bulk add network devices as data sources to VMware Aria Operations for Networks by using the network-insight-sdk-python SDK.
You can add the following data sources only:
- Cisco switches
- Arista switches
- Juniper switches
- Dell switches
- F5
- Brocade switches
- Palo Alto Networks
- Check Point Firewall
- Cisco ASA
- You must have access to the VMware Aria Operations for Networks collector CLI.
You must have the CSV file containing the list of network devices in the following format:
"DataSourceType","IP","fqdn","Username","Password","CSPRefreshToken","NickName", "CentralCliEnabled","IPFixEnabled","SwitchType","ParentvCenter","IsVMC", "snmp_version","snmp_community_string","snmp_username","snmp_password", "snmp_auth_type","snmp_privacy_type","ProxyIP" "DataSource1","","Domain_name","username","<pwd>","", "nick_name_discovered_devices_1","","","","","","","","","","","","" "DataSource2","10.1xx.xx.1x","","username","pwd","", " nick_name_discovered_devices_2","","","","","","","","","","","",""
You can create the file manually, or discover the devices in your network by performing network discovery. See #GUID-082C1588-C22B-401A-80AB-C25BCD04C234 for more information.
What to do next
View the data sources added to VMware Aria Operations for Networks by navigating to the page.