VMware Aria Operations for Networks does not allow you to enable DFW IPFIX.


While adding a policy manager or source of VMware Cloud on AWS, when you attempt to enable DFW IPFIX, you might see the following error messages:

  • No New collectors can be added.
  • Provided user does not have the required role. Only users with the following role can enable IPFIX:  Cloud Administrator.


  • VMware Cloud on AWS supports only four collectors to its DFW IPFIX collector profile. So, when the existing profile already has four collectors, you see the
    No New collectors can be added

    No new collectors can be added error message is displayed on the Add a New policy manager Account page.

  • The user does not have the write permission. Only users with Cloud Administrator role can perform the write operation on the VMware Cloud on AWS policy manager.

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  • To add a new collector, you must:
    • Delete an existing collector, or
    • Create a new profile, or
  • To avoid or fix the user role issue, perform one of the following steps:
    • Assign the Cloud Administrator role to the user, or
    • Log in as user with Cloud Administrator role.