For application services and custom monitoring plugins supported by VMware Aria Operations , there are configuration details that you must follow.

Table 1. Configuration Details for Supported Application Services
Configuration Details for Supported Application Services
Active Directory
Apache HTTPD
Java Plugin
Here are the configuration details:
  # Prefix to attach to the measurement name
  name_prefix = "java."
  # Add agents URLs to query
  urls = ["http://localhost:8080/jolokia"]
  #username and password are mandatory for Jolokia 1.6 or later
  #username = <jolokia role username>
  #password = <jolokia role password>
  # response_timeout = "5s"
  ## Optional TLS config
  # tls_ca   = "/var/private/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/var/private/client.pem"
  # tls_key  = "/var/private/client-key.pem"
  # insecure_skip_verify = false
  ### JVM Generic
    name  = "OperatingSystem"
    mbean = "java.lang:type=OperatingSystem"
    paths = ["ProcessCpuLoad","SystemLoadAverage","SystemCpuLoad"]
    name  = "jvm_runtime"
    mbean = "java.lang:type=Runtime"
    paths = ["Uptime"]
    name  = "jvm_memory"
    mbean = "java.lang:type=Memory"
    paths = ["HeapMemoryUsage", "NonHeapMemoryUsage", "ObjectPendingFinalizationCount"]
    name     = "jvm_garbage_collector"
    mbean    = "java.lang:name=*,type=GarbageCollector"
    paths    = ["CollectionTime", "CollectionCount"]
    tag_keys = ["name"]
    name       = "jvm_memory_pool"
    mbean      = "java.lang:name=*,type=MemoryPool"
    paths      = ["Usage", "PeakUsage", "CollectionUsage"]
    tag_keys   = ["name"]
    tag_prefix = "pool_"
  ### TOMCAT
    name     = "GlobalRequestProcessor"
    mbean    = "Catalina:name=*,type=GlobalRequestProcessor"
    paths    = ["requestCount","bytesReceived","bytesSent","processingTime","errorCount"]
    tag_keys = ["name"]
    name     = "JspMonitor"
    mbean    = "Catalina:J2EEApplication=*,J2EEServer=*,WebModule=*,name=jsp,type=JspMonitor"
    paths    = ["jspReloadCount","jspCount","jspUnloadCount"]
    tag_keys = ["J2EEApplication","J2EEServer","WebModule"]
    name     = "ThreadPool"
    mbean    = "Catalina:name=*,type=ThreadPool"
    paths    = ["maxThreads","currentThreadCount","currentThreadsBusy"]
    tag_keys = ["name"]
    name     = "Servlet"
    mbean    = "Catalina:J2EEApplication=*,J2EEServer=*,WebModule=*,j2eeType=Servlet,name=*"
    paths    = ["processingTime","errorCount","requestCount"]
    tag_keys = ["name","J2EEApplication","J2EEServer","WebModule"]
    name     = "Cache"
    mbean    = "Catalina:context=*,host=*,name=Cache,type=WebResourceRoot"
    paths    = ["hitCount","lookupCount"]
    tag_keys = ["context","host"]
JBoss Server
Microsoft IIS
Microsoft SQL Server
Here are the configuration details:
   name_prefix = "MSSQL."

       #servers = [
       #"Server=<servername>;Port=1433;User Id=telegraf;Password=<mystrongpassword from step 2>;app name=telegraf;log=1;",
       #"Server=<servername>;Port=1433;User Id=telegraf;Password=<mystrongpassword from step 2>;app name=telegraf;log=1;"
       servers = [
        "Server=localhost;Port=1433;User Id=sa;Password=Password;app name=telegraf;log=1;"
   namepass = ["Rows*writes*bytes*sec*", "Rows*reads*bytes*sec*", "Rows*writes*sec*", "Rows*reads*sec*", "Query*User*counter*", "Buffer*cache*hit*ratio*", "Page*life*expectancy*", "Page*lookups*sec*", "Page*reads*sec*", "Page*writes*sec*", "Lazy*writes*sec*", "Checkpoint*pages*sec*", "Log*Apply*Ready*Queue*", "Data*File*s*Size*KB*", "Log*File*s*", "XTP*Memory*Used*KB*", "Log*Flushes*sec*", "Write*Transactions*sec*", "Transactions*sec*", "Log*Flush*Wait*Time*", "Active*Transactions*", "Log*Bytes*Flushed*sec*", "Processes*blocked*", "User*Connections*", "Logins*sec*", "Logouts*sec*", "Active*Temp*Tables*", "Temp*Tables*Creation*Rate*", "Batch*Requests*sec*", "SQL*Compilations*sec*", "SQL*Re*Compilations*sec", "Stored*Procedures*Invoked*sec*", "Target*Server*Memory*KB*", "Total*Server*Memory*KB*", "SQL*Cache*Memory*KB*", "Log*Pool*Memory*KB*", "Connection*Memory*KB*", "Lock*Memory*KB*", "Memory*Grants*Pending*", "Active*memory*grant*amount*KB*", "Disk*Read*Bytes*sec*", "Disk*Read*IO*Throttled*sec*", "Disk*Read*IO*sec*", "Disk*Write*Bytes*sec*", "Disk*Write*IO*Throttled*sec*", "Used*memory*KB*", "CPU*usage*", "Free*Space*in*tempdb*KB*", "Version*Store*Size*KB*", "Transactions*", "Blocked*tasks*", "Active*requests*", "Queued*requests*", "Requests*completed*sec*", "Number*of*Deadlocks*sec*", "Lock*Wait*Time*ms*", "Lock*Waits*sec*", "Lock*Requests*sec*", "Average*Wait*Time*ms*", "Index*Searches*sec*", "Page*Splits*sec*", "Full*Scans*sec*", "CPU*", "Wait*time*ms*", "Wait*tasks*", "State*", "Recovery*Model*"]
MS Exchange Server
Here are the configuration details:
     name_prefix = “ntpd.”
     ## If false, set the -n ntpq flag. Can reduce metric gather times.
     dns_lookup = tr
SharePoint Server
Tomcat Server
Oracle WebLogic
Table 2. Configuration Details for Custom Monitoring Plugins
Ping check

Here are the configuration details:

## Hosts to send ping packets to.
urls = []

## Number of ping packets to send per interval.  Corresponds to the "-c"
## option of the ping command.
# count = 1

## Time to wait between sending ping packets in seconds.  Operates like the
## "-i" option of the ping command.
# ping_interval = 1.0

## If set, the time to wait for a ping response in seconds.  Operates like
## the "-W" option of the ping command.
# timeout = 1.0

## If set, the total ping deadline, in seconds.  Operates like the -w option
## of the ping command.
# deadline = 10

## Interface or source address to send ping from.  Operates like the -I or -S
## option of the ping command.
# interface = ""
TCP check

Here are the configuration details:

## Server address (default localhost)
address = ""
protocol = "tcp"

## Set timeout
# timeout = "1s"

## Set read timeout (only used if expecting a response)
# read_timeout = "1s"
HTTP check

Here are the configuration details:

# HTTP/HTTPS request given an address a method and a timeout
## List of url to query.
address =
method = "GET"

## Set http_proxy.
## Telegraf uses the system wide proxy settings if it's is not set.
# http_proxy = http://localhost:8888

## Set response_timeout (default 5 seconds)
# response_timeout = "5s"

## Whether to follow redirects from the server (defaults to false)
# follow_redirects = false

## Optional name of the field that will contain the body of the response.
## By default it is set to an empty String indicating that the body's content won't be added
# response_body_field = ''

## Optional substring or regex match in body of the response (case sensitive)
# response_string_match = "\"service_status\": \"up\""
# response_string_match = "ok"
# response_string_match = "\".*_status\".?:.?\"up\""

## Optional SSL Config
# ssl_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
# ssl_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
# ssl_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"

## Use SSL but skip chain & host verification
insecure_skip_verify = true

## HTTP Request Headers (all values must be strings)
accept = "application/json" Authorization = "OpsToken a16f7a2b-b033-48bc-9827-2daf8e205537::ec11ee5f-8623-4558-a904-8b4ea3f6f47d"
Custom scripts

Here are the configuration details:

For Linux Platforms:
# Read metrics from command that can output to stdout
name_prefix = "executescript."
name_override = "output"
# commands = ["<prefix> <file path> <argument>"]
commands = ["python /opt/scripts/ 10"]

## Data format to consume.
data_format = "value"
data_type = "integer"

## Timeout for each command to complete.
timeout = "300s"


file_path = "/opt/scripts/"
script_name = "my-py-script on Centos7-VM"
For Windows Platforms:
# Read metrics from command that can output to stdout

name_prefix = "executescript."
name_override = "output"

# commands = ["<prefix> <file path> <argument>"]
commands = ["Powershell -File C:\\\\VMware\\\\Scripts\\\\Arguments.ps1 vmtoolsd"]

## Data format to consume.
data_format = "value"
data_type = "integer"

## Timeout for each command to complete.
timeout = "300s"


file_path = "C:\\VMware\\Scripts\\Arguments.ps1"
script_name = "my-script-for-vmtool on Windows2022-PhysicalServer"
Linux Process

Here are the configuration details (via regular expression):

# Monitor process cpu and memory usage
  ## pattern as argument for pgrep (ie, pgrep -f <pattern>)
  pattern = ".*ucp-.*"

  fieldpass =  ["running", "cpu_usage", "memory_usage"]
    search_pattern = "regex_.#!AsTeRiSk!#ucp-.#!AsTeRiSk!#"
Here are the configuration details (via executable name):
# Monitor process cpu and memory usage
  ## executable name (ie, pgrep <exe>)
  exe = "top"
  fieldpass =  ["running", "cpu_usage", "memory_usage"]

    search_pattern = "exec_top"
Here are the configuration details (via process ID):
# Monitor process cpu and memory usage
  ## PID file to monitor process
  pid_file = "/var/run/"

  fieldpass =  ["running", "cpu_usage", "memory_usage"]

    search_pattern = "pidfile_/var/run/"
Windows Service

Here are the configuration details (via executable name):

# Monitor process cpu and memory usage

## Windows service name
win_service = "Dhcp"
pid_finder = "native"

fieldpass =  ["running", "cpu_usage", "memory_usage"]
search_pattern = "exec_Dhcp"

service_names = ["Dhcp"]

search_pattern = "exec_Dhcp"