With the dashboards in the Management Pack for Google Cloud Platform, you can monitor the following Google Cloud Platform services:
  • Google Compute Engine
  • Container/Kubernetes Engine
  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud VPN
  • Big Query

Access the Dashboards

  1. To access the dashboards, from the left menu, click Visualize > Dashboards.
  2. From the dashboard list, select the required Google Cloud Platform dashboard.

GCP Availability Dashboard

You can view the heat maps of the Google Cloud Platform services monitored by this Management Pack.

GCP Big Data: Big Query Dashboard

You can view the information about the monitored Cloud Big Query type resources, with the curated tables and charts.

GCP Compute: Container Dashboard

You can view the information about the monitored Cloud Kubernetes Engine type resources, with the curated tables and charts.

GCP Compute: CE Dashboard

You can view the information about the monitored Compute Engine type resources, with the curated tables and charts.

GCP Inventory Dashboard

You can view the information about the number of monitored resources of a Google Cloud Platform services type.

GCP Network: VPN Dashboard

You can view the information about the monitored Cloud VPN type resources, with the curated tables and charts.

GCP Storage: Buckets Dashboard

You can view the information about the monitored Cloud Storage type resources, with the curated tables and charts.